Sunday, September 18, 2016

List of Oracle Error Codes 2

ORA-01351: tablespace given for Logminer dictionary does not exist
ORA-01352: tablespace given for Logminer spill does not exist
ORA-01353: existing Logminer session
ORA-01354: Supplemental log data must be added to run this command
ORA-01355: logminer tablespace change in progress
ORA-01356: active logminer sessions found
ORA-01360: invalid token
ORA-01361: global name mismatch
ORA-01370: Specified restart SCN is too old
ORA-01371: Complete LogMiner dictionary not found
ORA-01372: Insufficient processes for specified LogMiner operation
ORA-01373: insufficient memory for staging persistent LogMiner session
ORA-01374: _log_parallelism_max greater than 1 not supported in this release
ORA-01375: Corrupt logfile recovered
ORA-01376: LogMiner testing event
ORA-01399: LogMiner public event
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ()
ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column
ORA-01402: view WITH CHECK OPTION where-clause violation
ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-01404: ALTER COLUMN will make an index too large
ORA-01405: fetched column value is NULL
ORA-01406: fetched column value was truncated
ORA-01407: cannot update () to NULL
ORA-01408: such column list already indexed
ORA-01409: NOSORT option may not be used; rows are not in ascending order
ORA-01410: invalid ROWID
ORA-01411: cannot store the length of column in the indicator
ORA-01412: zero length not allowed for this datatype
ORA-01413: illegal value in packed decimal number buffer
ORA-01414: invalid array length when trying to bind array
ORA-01415: too many distinct aggregate functions
ORA-01416: two tables cannot be outer-joined to each other
ORA-01417: a table may be outer joined to at most one other table
ORA-01418: specified index does not exist
ORA-01419: datdts: illegal format code
ORA-01420: datstd: illegal format code
ORA-01421: datrnd/dattrn: illegal precision specifier
ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
ORA-01423: error encountered while checking for extra rows in exact fetch
ORA-01424: missing or illegal character following the escape character
ORA-01425: escape character must be character string of length 1
ORA-01426: numeric overflow
ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
ORA-01428: argument '' is out of range
ORA-01429: Index-Organized Table: no data segment to store overflow row-pieces
ORA-01430: column being added already exists in table
ORA-01431: internal inconsistency in GRANT command
ORA-01432: public synonym to be dropped does not exist
ORA-01433: synonym to be created is already defined
ORA-01434: private synonym to be dropped does not exist
ORA-01435: user does not exist
ORA-01436: CONNECT BY loop in user data
ORA-01437: cannot have join with CONNECT BY
ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column
ORA-01439: column to be modified must be empty to change datatype
ORA-01440: column to be modified must be empty to decrease precision or scale
ORA-01441: cannot decrease column length because some value is too big
ORA-01442: column to be modified to NOT NULL is already NOT NULL
ORA-01443: internal inconsistency; illegal datatype in resultant view column
ORA-01444: internal inconsistency; internal datatype maps to invalid external type
ORA-01445: cannot select ROWID from, or sample, a join view without a key-preserved table
ORA-01446: cannot select ROWID from, or sample, a view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.
ORA-01447: ALTER TABLE does not operate on clustered columns
ORA-01448: index must be dropped before changing to desired type
ORA-01449: column contains NULL values; cannot alter to NOT NULL
ORA-01450: maximum key length () exceeded
ORA-01451: column to be modified to NULL cannot be modified to NULL
ORA-01452: cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found
ORA-01453: SET TRANSACTION must be first statement of transaction
ORA-01454: cannot convert column into numeric datatype
ORA-01455: converting column overflows integer datatype
ORA-01456: may not perform insert/delete/update operation inside a READ ONLY transaction
ORA-01457: converting column overflows decimal datatype
ORA-01458: invalid length inside variable character string
ORA-01459: invalid length for variable character string
ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
ORA-01462: cannot insert string literals longer than 4000 characters
ORA-01463: cannot modify column datatype with current constraint(s)
ORA-01464: circular grant (granting to grant ancestor) of table or view
ORA-01465: invalid hex number
ORA-01466: unable to read data - table definition has changed
ORA-01467: sort key too long
ORA-01468: a predicate may reference only one outer-joined table
ORA-01469: PRIOR can only be followed by a column name
ORA-01470: In-list iteration does not support mixed operators
ORA-01471: cannot create a synonym with same name as object
ORA-01472: cannot use CONNECT BY on view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.
ORA-01473: cannot have subqueries in CONNECT BY clause
ORA-01474: cannot have START WITH or PRIOR without CONNECT BY
ORA-01475: must reparse cursor to change bind variable datatype
ORA-01476: divisor is equal to zero
ORA-01477: user data area descriptor is too large
ORA-01478: array bind may not include any LONG columns
ORA-01479: last character in the buffer is not Null
ORA-01480: trailing null missing from STR bind value
ORA-01481: invalid number format model
ORA-01482: unsupported character set
ORA-01483: invalid length for DATE or NUMBER bind variable
ORA-01484: arrays can only be bound to PL/SQL statements
ORA-01485: compile bind length different from execute bind length
ORA-01486: size of array element is too large
ORA-01487: packed decimal number too large for supplied buffer
ORA-01488: invalid nibble or byte in the input data
ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long
ORA-01490: invalid ANALYZE command
ORA-01491: CASCADE option not valid
ORA-01492: LIST option not valid
ORA-01493: invalid SAMPLE size specified
ORA-01494: invalid SIZE specified
ORA-01495: specified chain row table not found
ORA-01496: specified chain row table form incorrect
ORA-01497: illegal option for ANALYZE CLUSTER
ORA-01498: block check failure - see trace file
ORA-01499: table/index cross reference failure - see trace file
ORA-01500: failure in getting date/time
ORA-01502: index '.' or partition of such index is in unusable state
ORA-01504: database name '' does not match parameter db_name ''
ORA-01505: error in adding log files
ORA-01506: missing or illegal database name
ORA-01507: database not mounted
ORA-01508: cannot create database; error in file '' at line
ORA-01509: specified name '' does not match actual ''
ORA-01510: error in deleting log files
ORA-01511: error in renaming log/data files
ORA-01512: error renaming log file - new file not found
ORA-01513: invalid current time returned by operating system
ORA-01514: error in log specification: no such log
ORA-01515: error dropping log group : no such log
ORA-01516: nonexistent log file, datafile, or tempfile ""
ORA-01517: log member: ''
ORA-01518: CREATE DATABASE must specify more than one log file
ORA-01519: error while processing file '' near line
ORA-01520: number of data files to add () exceeds limit of
ORA-01521: error in adding data files
ORA-01522: file '' to be renamed does not exist
ORA-01523: cannot rename data file to '' - file already part of database
ORA-01524: cannot create data file as '' - file already part of database
ORA-01525: error in renaming data files
ORA-01526: error in opening file ''
ORA-01527: error while reading file
ORA-01528: EOF while processing SQL statement
ORA-01529: error closing file ''
ORA-01530: a database already mounted by the instance
ORA-01531: a database already open by the instance
ORA-01532: cannot create database; instance being started elsewhere
ORA-01533: cannot rename file ''; file does not belong to tablespace
ORA-01534: rollback segment '' doesn't exist
ORA-01535: rollback segment '' already exists
ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace ''
ORA-01537: cannot add file '' - file already part of database
ORA-01538: failed to acquire any rollback segment
ORA-03110: oranet: ORACLE does not support this SQL version
ORA-03111: break received on communication channel
ORA-03112: a server linked as single-task cannot use SQL*Net
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
ORA-03115: unsupported network datatype or representation
ORA-03116: invalid buffer length passed to a conversion routine
ORA-03117: two-task save area overflow
ORA-03118: two-task coroutine has invalid state
ORA-03119: two-task detected inconsistent datatype specification
ORA-03120: two-task conversion routine: integer overflow
ORA-03121: no interface driver connected - function not performed
ORA-03122: attempt to close ORACLE-side window on user side
ORA-03123: operation would block
ORA-03124: two-task internal error
ORA-03125: client-server protocol violation
ORA-03126: network driver does not support non-blocking operations
ORA-03127: no new operations allowed until the active operation ends
ORA-03128: connection is in blocking mode
ORA-03129: the next piece to be inserted is required
ORA-03130: the buffer for the next piece to be fetched is required
ORA-03131: an invalid buffer was provided for the next piece
ORA-03132: two-task default value overflow
ORA-03133: piggyback function error
ORA-03134: Connections to this server version are no longer supported.
ORA-03135: connection lost contact
ORA-03136: inbound connection timed out
ORA-03200: the segment type specification is invalid
ORA-03201: the group number specification is invalid
ORA-03202: the scan limit specification is invalid
ORA-03203: concurrent update activity makes space analysis impossible
ORA-03204: the segment type specification should indicate partitioning
ORA-03205: partition name is required when partitioned type is specified
ORA-03206: maximum file size of () blocks in AUTOEXTEND clause is out of range
ORA-03207: subpartitioned type must be specified for composite object
ORA-03208: partitioned type must be specified for a non-composite object
ORA-03209: DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE invalid file/block specification
ORA-03210: DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE invalid option specification
ORA-03211: The segment does not exist or is not in a valid state
ORA-03212: Temporary Segment cannot be created in locally-managed tablespace
ORA-03213: Invalid Lob Segment Name for DBMS_SPACE package
ORA-03214: File Size specified is smaller than minimum required
ORA-03215: File Size specified for resize is too small
ORA-03216: Tablespace/Segment Verification cannot proceed
ORA-03217: invalid option for alter of TEMPORARY TABLESPACE
ORA-03218: invalid option for CREATE/ALTER TABLESPACE
ORA-03219: Tablespace '' is dictionary-managed, offline or temporary
ORA-03220: DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE required parameter is NULL or missing
ORA-03221: Temporary tablespaces and temporary segments must have standard block size
ORA-03222: average row size and row count must be greater than zero
ORA-03230: segment only contains blocks of unused space above high water mark
ORA-03231: the INITIAL extent may not be deallocated
ORA-03233: unable to extend table . subpartition by in tablespace
ORA-03234: unable to extend index . subpartition by in tablespace
ORA-03235: max # extents () reached in table . subpartition
ORA-03236: max # extents () reached in index . subpartition
ORA-03237: Initial Extent of specified size cannot be allocated in tablespace ()
ORA-03238: unable to extend LOB segment . subpartition by in tablespace
ORA-03239: maxextents () reached in LOB segment . subpartition
ORA-03240: User's temporary tablespace same as tablespace being migrated
ORA-03241: Invalid unit size
ORA-03242: Tablespace migration retried 500 times
ORA-03243: destination dba overlaps with existing control information
ORA-03244: No free space found to place the control information
ORA-03245: Tablespace has to be dictionary managed, online and permanent to be able to migrate
ORA-03246: Invalid block number specified
ORA-03247: Invalid block number specified
ORA-03248: Too much of segment creation activity during migration
ORA-03249: Uniform size for auto segment space managed tablespace should have atleast blocks
ORA-03250: Cannot mark this segment corrupt
ORA-03251: Cannot issue this command on SYSTEM tablespace
ORA-03252: initial extent size not enough for LOB segment
ORA-03254: unable to execute the sql in read only database
ORA-03261: the tablespace has only one file
ORA-03262: the file is non-empty
ORA-03263: cannot drop the first file of tablespace
ORA-03264: cannot drop offline datafile of locally managed tablespace
ORA-03274: both ALLOCATE EXTENT and DEALLOCATE UNUSED options are specified
ORA-03275: duplicate DEALLOCATE option specification
ORA-03276: duplicate ALLOCATE EXTENT option specification
ORA-03277: invalid SIZE specified
ORA-03278: duplicate ALLOCATE EXTENT option specification
ORA-03279: invalid INSTANCE specified
ORA-03280: invalid DATAFILE filename specified
ORA-03281: invalid ALLOCATE EXTENT option
ORA-03282: missing ALLOCATE EXTENT option
ORA-03283: specified datafile does not exist
ORA-03284: datafile or tempfile is not a member of tablespace
ORA-03287: invalid FREELIST GROUP specified
ORA-03288: both FREELIST GROUP and INSTANCE parameters may not be specified
ORA-03289: partition name and segment type do not match
ORA-03290: Invalid truncate command - missing CLUSTER or TABLE keyword
ORA-03291: Invalid truncate option - missing STORAGE keyword
ORA-03292: Table to be truncated is part of a cluster
ORA-03293: Cluster to be truncated is a HASH CLUSTER
ORA-03296: cannot resize datafile - file not found
ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value
ORA-03298: cannot shrink datafile - file is under hot backup
ORA-03299: cannot create dictionary table
ORA-04000: the sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE cannot exceed 100
ORA-04001: sequence parameter must be an integer
ORA-04002: INCREMENT must be a non-zero integer
ORA-04003: sequence parameter exceeds maximum size allowed ( digits)
ORA-04004: MINVALUE must be less than MAXVALUE
ORA-04005: INCREMENT must be less than MAXVALUE minus MINVALUE
ORA-04006: START WITH cannot be less than MINVALUE
ORA-04007: MINVALUE cannot be made to exceed the current value
ORA-04008: START WITH cannot be more than MAXVALUE
ORA-04009: MAXVALUE cannot be made to be less than the current value
ORA-04010: the number of values to CACHE must be greater than 1
ORA-04011: sequence must range between and
ORA-04012: object is not a sequence
ORA-04013: number to CACHE must be less than one cycle
ORA-04014: descending sequences that CYCLE must specify MINVALUE
ORA-04015: ascending sequences that CYCLE must specify MAXVALUE
ORA-04016: sequence no longer exists
ORA-04017: invalid value (length = ) for parameter max_dump_file_size
ORA-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object
ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object
ORA-04022: nowait requested, but had to wait to lock dictionary object
ORA-04023: summary object could not be validated
ORA-04027: self-deadlock during automatic validation for object .
ORA-04028: cannot generate diana for object
ORA-04029: error ORA- occurred when querying
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate bytes (,)
ORA-04031: unable to allocate bytes of shared memory ("","","","")
ORA-04032: pga_aggregate_target must be set before switching to auto mode
ORA-04033: Insufficient memory to grow pool
ORA-04034: unable to shrink pool to specified size
ORA-04041: package specification must be created first before creating package body
ORA-04042: procedure, function, package, or package body does not exist
ORA-04043: object does not exist
ORA-04044: procedure, function, package, or type is not allowed here
ORA-04045: errors during recompilation/revalidation of .
ORA-04046: results of compilation are too large to support
ORA-04047: object specified is incompatible with the flag specified
ORA-04050: invalid or missing procedure, function, or package name
ORA-04051: user cannot use database link .
ORA-04052: error occurred when looking up remote object
ORA-04053: error occurred when validating remote object
ORA-04054: database link does not exist
ORA-04055: Aborted: "" formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle with "".
ORA-04060: insufficient privileges to execute
ORA-04061: existing state of has been invalidated
ORA-04062: of has been changed
ORA-04063: has errors
ORA-04064: not executed, invalidated
ORA-04065: not executed, altered or dropped
ORA-04066: non-executable object,
ORA-04067: not executed, does not exist
ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded
ORA-04069: cannot drop or replace a library with table dependents
ORA-04070: invalid trigger name
ORA-04071: missing BEFORE, AFTER or INSTEAD OF keyword
ORA-04072: invalid trigger type
ORA-04073: column list not valid for this trigger type
ORA-04074: invalid REFERENCING name
ORA-04075: invalid trigger action
ORA-04076: invalid NEW or OLD specification
ORA-04077: WHEN clause cannot be used with table level triggers
ORA-04078: OLD and NEW values cannot be identical
ORA-04079: invalid trigger specification
ORA-04080: trigger '' does not exist
ORA-04081: trigger '' already exists
ORA-04082: NEW or OLD references not allowed in table level triggers
ORA-04083: invalid trigger variable '%*.s'
ORA-04084: cannot change NEW values for this trigger type
ORA-04085: cannot change the value of an OLD reference variable
ORA-04086: trigger description too long, move comments into triggering code
ORA-04087: cannot change the value of ROWID reference variable
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger '.'
ORA-04089: cannot create triggers on objects owned by SYS
ORA-04090: '' specifies same table, event and trigger time as ''
ORA-04091: table . is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
ORA-04092: cannot in a trigger
ORA-04093: references to columns of type LONG are not allowed in triggers
ORA-04094: table . is constraining, trigger may not modify it
ORA-04095: trigger '' already exists on another table, cannot replace it
ORA-04096: trigger '' has a WHEN clause which is too large, limit 2K
ORA-04097: DDL conflict while trying to drop or alter a trigger
ORA-04098: trigger '.' is invalid and failed re-validation
ORA-04099: trigger '' is valid but not stored in compiled form
ORA-04930: open sequence number failed or initial state is valid
ORA-04931: unable to set initial sequence number value
ORA-04932: increment or adjust of sequence number failed
ORA-04933: initial service identifier is non-zero
ORA-04934: unable to obtain the current sequence number
ORA-04935: unable to get/convert SCN recovery lock
ORA-04940: unsupported optimization of Oracle binary, check alert log for more info
ORA-04941: required operating system patch needs to be applied
ORA-06000: NETASY: port open failure
ORA-06001: NETASY: port set-up failure
ORA-06002: NETASY: port read failure
ORA-06003: NETASY: port write failure
ORA-06004: NETASY: dialogue file open failure
ORA-06005: NETASY: dialogue file read failure
ORA-06006: NETASY: dialogue execute failure
ORA-06007: NETASY: bad dialogue format
ORA-06009: NETASY: dialogue filename too long
ORA-06010: NETASY: dialogue file too long
ORA-06011: NETASY: dialogue too long
ORA-06017: NETASY: message receive failure
ORA-06018: NETASY: message send failure
ORA-06019: NETASY: invalid login (connect) string
ORA-06020: NETASY: initialisation failure
ORA-06021: NETASY: connect failed
ORA-06022: NETASY: channel open failure
ORA-06023: NETASY: port open failure
ORA-06024: NETASY: VTM error
ORA-06025: NETASY: Configuration error
ORA-06026: NETASY: port close failure
ORA-06027: NETASY: channel close failure
ORA-06028: NETASY: unable to intialise for logging
ORA-06029: NETASY: port assignment failure
ORA-06030: NETDNT: connect failed, unrecognized node name
ORA-06031: NETDNT: connect failed, unrecognized object name
ORA-06032: NETDNT: connect failed, access control data rejected
ORA-06033: NETDNT: connect failed, partner rejected connection
ORA-06034: NETDNT: connect failed, partner exited unexpectedly
ORA-06035: NETDNT: connect failed, insufficient resources
ORA-06036: NETDNT: connect failed, no response from object
ORA-06037: NETDNT: connect failed, node unreachable
ORA-06038: NETDNT: connect failed, network driver not loaded
ORA-06039: NETDNT: connect failed
ORA-06040: NETDNT: invalid login (connect) string
ORA-06041: NETDNT: disconnect failed
ORA-06042: NETDNT: message receive failure
ORA-06043: NETDNT: message send failure
ORA-06044: NETDNT: connect failed, byte count quota exceeded
ORA-06102: NETTCP: cannot allocate context area
ORA-06105: NETTCP: remote host is unknown
ORA-06106: NETTCP: socket creation failure
ORA-06107: NETTCP: ORACLE network server not found
ORA-06108: NETTCP: connect to host failed
ORA-06109: NETTCP: message receive failure
ORA-06110: NETTCP: message send failure
ORA-06111: NETTCP: disconnect failure
ORA-06112: NETTCP: invalid buffer size
ORA-06113: NETTCP: Too many connections
ORA-06114: NETTCP: SID lookup failure
ORA-06115: NETTCP: unable to create ORACLE logicals
ORA-06116: NETTCP: unable to create ORASRV process
ORA-06117: NETTCP: unable to create ORASRV: quota exceeded
ORA-06118: NETTCP: unable to complete handshake with ORASRV
ORA-06119: NETTCP: spurious client request
ORA-06120: NETTCP: network driver not loaded
ORA-06121: NETTCP: access failure
ORA-06122: NETTCP: setup failure
ORA-06123: NETTCP: cannot set KEEPALIVE
ORA-06124: NETTCP: timeout waiting for ORASRV
ORA-06125: NETTCP: ORASRV exited unexpectedly
ORA-06126: NETTCP: ORASRV unable to open network connection
ORA-06127: NETTCP: unable to change username
ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table
ORA-01780: string literal required
ORA-01781: UNRECOVERABLE cannot be specified without AS SELECT
ORA-01782: UNRECOVERABLE cannot be specified for a cluster or clustered table
ORA-01783: only one RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE clause may be specified
ORA-01784: RECOVERABLE cannot be specified with database media recovery disabled
ORA-01785: ORDER BY item must be the number of a SELECT-list expression
ORA-01786: FOR UPDATE of this query expression is not allowed
ORA-01787: only one clause allowed per query block
ORA-01788: CONNECT BY clause required in this query block
ORA-01789: query block has incorrect number of result columns
ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression
ORA-01791: not a SELECTed expression
ORA-01792: maximum number of columns in a table or view is 1000
ORA-01793: maximum number of index columns is 32
ORA-01794: maximum number of cluster columns is 32
ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000
ORA-01796: this operator cannot be used with lists
ORA-01797: this operator must be followed by ANY or ALL
ORA-01798: missing EXCEPTION keyword
ORA-01799: a column may not be outer-joined to a subquery
ORA-01800: a literal in the date format was too large to process
ORA-01801: date format is too long for internal buffer
ORA-01802: Julian date is out of range
ORA-01803: failure in getting date/time
ORA-01804: failure to initialize timezone information
ORA-01810: format code appears twice
ORA-01811: Julian date precludes use of day of year
ORA-01812: year may only be specified once
ORA-01813: hour may only be specified once
ORA-01814: AM/PM conflicts with use of A.M./P.M.
ORA-01815: BC/AD conflicts with use of B.C./A.D.
ORA-01816: month may only be specified once
ORA-01817: day of week may only be specified once
ORA-01818: 'HH24' precludes use of meridian indicator
ORA-01819: signed year precludes use of BC/AD
ORA-01820: format code cannot appear in date input format
ORA-01821: date format not recognized
ORA-01822: era format code is not valid with this calendar
ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string
ORA-01831: year conflicts with Julian date
ORA-01832: day of year conflicts with Julian date
ORA-01833: month conflicts with Julian date
ORA-01834: day of month conflicts with Julian date
ORA-01835: day of week conflicts with Julian date
ORA-01836: hour conflicts with seconds in day
ORA-01837: minutes of hour conflicts with seconds in day
ORA-01838: seconds of minute conflicts with seconds in day
ORA-01839: date not valid for month specified
ORA-01840: input value not long enough for date format
ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
ORA-01842: quarter must be between 1 and 4
ORA-01843: not a valid month
ORA-01844: week of year must be between 1 and 52
ORA-01845: week of month must be between 1 and 5
ORA-01846: not a valid day of the week
ORA-01847: day of month must be between 1 and last day of month
ORA-01848: day of year must be between 1 and 365 (366 for leap year)
ORA-01849: hour must be between 1 and 12
ORA-01850: hour must be between 0 and 23
ORA-01851: minutes must be between 0 and 59
ORA-01852: seconds must be between 0 and 59
ORA-01853: seconds in day must be between 0 and 86399
ORA-01854: julian date must be between 1 and 5373484
ORA-01855: AM/A.M. or PM/P.M. required
ORA-01856: BC/B.C. or AD/A.D. required
ORA-01857: not a valid time zone
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
ORA-01859: a non-alphabetic character was found where an alphabetic was expected
ORA-01860: week of year must be between 1 and 53
ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
ORA-01862: the numeric value does not match the length of the format item
ORA-01863: the year is not supported for the current calendar
ORA-01864: the date is out of range for the current calendar
ORA-01865: not a valid era
ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid
ORA-01867: the interval is invalid
ORA-01868: the leading precision of the interval is too small
ORA-01869: reserved for future use
ORA-01870: the intervals or datetimes are not mutually comparable
ORA-01871: the number of seconds must be less than 60
ORA-01872: reserved for future use
ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
ORA-01874: time zone hour must be between -12 and 14
ORA-01875: time zone minute must be between -59 and 59
ORA-01876: year must be at least -4713
ORA-01877: string is too long for internal buffer
ORA-01878: specified field not found in datetime or interval
ORA-01879: the hh25 field must be between 0 and 24
ORA-01880: the fractional seconds must be between 0 and 999999999
ORA-01881: timezone region id %d is invalid
ORA-01882: timezone region not found
ORA-01883: overlap was disabled during a region transition
ORA-01890: NLS error detected
ORA-01891: Datetime/Interval internal error
ORA-01898: too many precision specifiers
ORA-01899: bad precision specifier
ORA-01900: LOGFILE keyword expected
ORA-01901: ROLLBACK keyword expected
ORA-01902: SEGMENT keyword expected
ORA-01903: EVENTS keyword expected
ORA-01904: DATAFILE keyword expected
ORA-01905: STORAGE keyword expected
ORA-01906: BACKUP keyword expected
ORA-01907: TABLESPACE keyword expected
ORA-01908: EXISTS keyword expected
ORA-01909: REUSE keyword expected
ORA-01910: TABLES keyword expected
ORA-01911: CONTENTS keyword expected
ORA-01912: ROW keyword expected
ORA-01913: EXCLUSIVE keyword expected
ORA-01914: invalid auditing option for sequence numbers
ORA-01915: invalid auditing option for views
ORA-01917: user or role '' does not exist
ORA-01918: user '' does not exist
ORA-01919: role '' does not exist
ORA-01920: user name '' conflicts with another user or role name
ORA-01921: role name '' conflicts with another user or role name
ORA-01922: CASCADE must be specified to drop ''
ORA-01923: CASCADE aborted, objects locked by another user
ORA-01924: role '' not granted or does not exist
ORA-01925: maximum of enabled roles exceeded
ORA-01926: cannot GRANT to a role WITH GRANT OPTION
ORA-01927: cannot REVOKE privileges you did not grant
ORA-01928: GRANT option not granted for all privileges
ORA-01929: no privileges to GRANT
ORA-01930: auditing the object is not supported
ORA-01931: cannot grant to a role
ORA-01932: ADMIN option not granted for role ''
ORA-01933: cannot create a stored object using privileges from a role
ORA-01934: circular role grant detected
ORA-01935: missing user or role name
ORA-01936: cannot specify owner when creating users or roles
ORA-01937: missing or invalid role name
ORA-01938: IDENTIFIED BY must be specified for CREATE USER
ORA-01939: only the ADMIN OPTION can be specified
ORA-01940: cannot drop a user that is currently connected
ORA-01941: SEQUENCE keyword expected
ORA-01942: IDENTIFIED BY and EXTERNALLY cannot both be specified
ORA-01943: IDENTIFIED BY already specified
ORA-01944: IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY already specified
ORA-01945: DEFAULT ROLE[S] already specified
ORA-01946: DEFAULT TABLESPACE already specified
ORA-01947: TEMPORARY TABLESPACE already specified
ORA-01948: identifier's name length () exceeds maximum ()
ORA-01949: ROLE keyword expected

ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace ''

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