ORA-01351: tablespace
given for Logminer dictionary does not exist
ORA-01352: tablespace
given for Logminer spill does not exist
ORA-01353: existing
Logminer session
ORA-01354: Supplemental
log data must be added to run this command
ORA-01355: logminer
tablespace change in progress
ORA-01356: active
logminer sessions found
ORA-01360: invalid token
ORA-01361: global name
ORA-01370: Specified
restart SCN is too old
ORA-01371: Complete
LogMiner dictionary not found
ORA-01372: Insufficient
processes for specified LogMiner operation
ORA-01373: insufficient
memory for staging persistent LogMiner session
_log_parallelism_max greater than 1 not supported in this release
ORA-01375: Corrupt
logfile recovered
ORA-01376: LogMiner
testing event
ORA-01399: LogMiner
public event
ORA-01400: cannot insert
NULL into ()
ORA-01401: inserted
value too large for column
ORA-01402: view WITH
CHECK OPTION where-clause violation
ORA-01403: no data found
will make an index too large
ORA-01405: fetched
column value is NULL
ORA-01406: fetched
column value was truncated
ORA-01407: cannot update
() to NULL
ORA-01408: such column
list already indexed
ORA-01409: NOSORT option
may not be used; rows are not in ascending order
ORA-01410: invalid ROWID
ORA-01411: cannot store
the length of column in the indicator
ORA-01412: zero length
not allowed for this datatype
ORA-01413: illegal value
in packed decimal number buffer
ORA-01414: invalid array
length when trying to bind array
ORA-01415: too many
distinct aggregate functions
ORA-01416: two tables
cannot be outer-joined to each other
ORA-01417: a table may
be outer joined to at most one other table
ORA-01418: specified
index does not exist
ORA-01419: datdts:
illegal format code
ORA-01420: datstd:
illegal format code
datrnd/dattrn: illegal precision specifier
ORA-01422: exact fetch
returns more than requested number of rows
ORA-01423: error
encountered while checking for extra rows in exact fetch
ORA-01424: missing or
illegal character following the escape character
ORA-01425: escape
character must be character string of length 1
ORA-01426: numeric
ORA-01427: single-row
subquery returns more than one row
ORA-01428: argument ''
is out of range
Index-Organized Table: no data segment to store overflow row-pieces
ORA-01430: column being
added already exists in table
ORA-01431: internal
inconsistency in GRANT command
ORA-01432: public
synonym to be dropped does not exist
ORA-01433: synonym to be
created is already defined
ORA-01434: private synonym
to be dropped does not exist
ORA-01435: user does not
loop in user data
ORA-01437: cannot have
join with CONNECT BY
ORA-01438: value larger
than specified precision allowed for this column
ORA-01439: column to be
modified must be empty to change datatype
ORA-01440: column to be
modified must be empty to decrease precision or scale
ORA-01441: cannot
decrease column length because some value is too big
ORA-01442: column to be
modified to NOT NULL is already NOT NULL
ORA-01443: internal
inconsistency; illegal datatype in resultant view column
ORA-01444: internal
inconsistency; internal datatype maps to invalid external type
ORA-01445: cannot select
ROWID from, or sample, a join view without a key-preserved table
ORA-01446: cannot select
ROWID from, or sample, a view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.
does not operate on clustered columns
ORA-01448: index must be
dropped before changing to desired type
ORA-01449: column
contains NULL values; cannot alter to NOT NULL
ORA-01450: maximum key
length () exceeded
ORA-01451: column to be
modified to NULL cannot be modified to NULL
ORA-01452: cannot CREATE
UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found
ORA-01453: SET
TRANSACTION must be first statement of transaction
ORA-01454: cannot
convert column into numeric datatype
ORA-01455: converting
column overflows integer datatype
ORA-01456: may not
perform insert/delete/update operation inside a READ ONLY transaction
ORA-01457: converting
column overflows decimal datatype
ORA-01458: invalid
length inside variable character string
ORA-01459: invalid
length for variable character string
ORA-01460: unimplemented
or unreasonable conversion requested
ORA-01461: can bind a
LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
ORA-01462: cannot insert
string literals longer than 4000 characters
ORA-01463: cannot modify
column datatype with current constraint(s)
ORA-01464: circular
grant (granting to grant ancestor) of table or view
ORA-01465: invalid hex
ORA-01466: unable to
read data - table definition has changed
ORA-01467: sort key too
ORA-01468: a predicate
may reference only one outer-joined table
ORA-01469: PRIOR can
only be followed by a column name
ORA-01470: In-list
iteration does not support mixed operators
ORA-01471: cannot create
a synonym with same name as object
ORA-01472: cannot use
CONNECT BY on view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.
ORA-01473: cannot have
subqueries in CONNECT BY clause
ORA-01474: cannot have
ORA-01475: must reparse
cursor to change bind variable datatype
ORA-01476: divisor is
equal to zero
ORA-01477: user data
area descriptor is too large
ORA-01478: array bind
may not include any LONG columns
ORA-01479: last
character in the buffer is not Null
ORA-01480: trailing null
missing from STR bind value
ORA-01481: invalid
number format model
ORA-01482: unsupported
character set
ORA-01483: invalid
length for DATE or NUMBER bind variable
ORA-01484: arrays can
only be bound to PL/SQL statements
ORA-01485: compile bind
length different from execute bind length
ORA-01486: size of array
element is too large
ORA-01487: packed
decimal number too large for supplied buffer
ORA-01488: invalid
nibble or byte in the input data
ORA-01489: result of
string concatenation is too long
ORA-01490: invalid
ANALYZE command
option not valid
ORA-01492: LIST option
not valid
ORA-01493: invalid
SAMPLE size specified
ORA-01494: invalid SIZE
ORA-01495: specified
chain row table not found
ORA-01496: specified
chain row table form incorrect
ORA-01497: illegal
ORA-01498: block check
failure - see trace file
ORA-01499: table/index
cross reference failure - see trace file
ORA-01500: failure in
getting date/time
ORA-01502: index '.' or
partition of such index is in unusable state
ORA-01504: database name
'' does not match parameter db_name ''
ORA-01505: error in
adding log files
ORA-01506: missing or
illegal database name
ORA-01507: database not
ORA-01508: cannot create
database; error in file '' at line
ORA-01509: specified
name '' does not match actual ''
ORA-01510: error in
deleting log files
ORA-01511: error in
renaming log/data files
ORA-01512: error
renaming log file - new file not found
ORA-01513: invalid
current time returned by operating system
ORA-01514: error in log
specification: no such log
ORA-01515: error
dropping log group : no such log
ORA-01516: nonexistent
log file, datafile, or tempfile ""
ORA-01517: log member:
DATABASE must specify more than one log file
ORA-01519: error while
processing file '' near line
ORA-01520: number of
data files to add () exceeds limit of
ORA-01521: error in
adding data files
ORA-01522: file '' to be
renamed does not exist
ORA-01523: cannot rename
data file to '' - file already part of database
ORA-01524: cannot create
data file as '' - file already part of database
ORA-01525: error in
renaming data files
ORA-01526: error in
opening file ''
ORA-01527: error while
reading file
ORA-01528: EOF while
processing SQL statement
ORA-01529: error closing
file ''
ORA-01530: a database
already mounted by the instance
ORA-01531: a database
already open by the instance
ORA-01532: cannot create
database; instance being started elsewhere
ORA-01533: cannot rename
file ''; file does not belong to tablespace
ORA-01534: rollback
segment '' doesn't exist
ORA-01535: rollback segment
'' already exists
ORA-01536: space quota
exceeded for tablespace ''
ORA-01537: cannot add
file '' - file already part of database
ORA-01538: failed to
acquire any rollback segment
ORA-03110: oranet:
ORACLE does not support this SQL version
ORA-03111: break
received on communication channel
ORA-03112: a server
linked as single-task cannot use SQL*Net
ORA-03113: end-of-file
on communication channel
ORA-03114: not connected
ORA-03115: unsupported
network datatype or representation
ORA-03116: invalid
buffer length passed to a conversion routine
ORA-03117: two-task save
area overflow
ORA-03118: two-task
coroutine has invalid state
ORA-03119: two-task
detected inconsistent datatype specification
ORA-03120: two-task
conversion routine: integer overflow
ORA-03121: no interface
driver connected - function not performed
ORA-03122: attempt to
close ORACLE-side window on user side
ORA-03123: operation
would block
ORA-03124: two-task
internal error
ORA-03125: client-server
protocol violation
ORA-03126: network
driver does not support non-blocking operations
ORA-03127: no new
operations allowed until the active operation ends
ORA-03128: connection is
in blocking mode
ORA-03129: the next
piece to be inserted is required
ORA-03130: the buffer
for the next piece to be fetched is required
ORA-03131: an invalid
buffer was provided for the next piece
ORA-03132: two-task
default value overflow
ORA-03133: piggyback
function error
ORA-03134: Connections
to this server version are no longer supported.
ORA-03135: connection
lost contact
ORA-03136: inbound
connection timed out
ORA-03200: the segment
type specification is invalid
ORA-03201: the group
number specification is invalid
ORA-03202: the scan
limit specification is invalid
ORA-03203: concurrent
update activity makes space analysis impossible
ORA-03204: the segment
type specification should indicate partitioning
ORA-03205: partition
name is required when partitioned type is specified
ORA-03206: maximum file
size of () blocks in AUTOEXTEND clause is out of range
subpartitioned type must be specified for composite object
ORA-03208: partitioned
type must be specified for a non-composite object
DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE invalid file/block specification
invalid option specification
ORA-03211: The segment
does not exist or is not in a valid state
ORA-03212: Temporary
Segment cannot be created in locally-managed tablespace
ORA-03213: Invalid Lob
Segment Name for DBMS_SPACE package
ORA-03214: File Size
specified is smaller than minimum required
ORA-03215: File Size
specified for resize is too small
Tablespace/Segment Verification cannot proceed
ORA-03217: invalid
option for alter of TEMPORARY TABLESPACE
ORA-03218: invalid
ORA-03219: Tablespace ''
is dictionary-managed, offline or temporary
DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE required parameter is NULL or missing
ORA-03221: Temporary
tablespaces and temporary segments must have standard block size
ORA-03222: average row
size and row count must be greater than zero
ORA-03230: segment only
contains blocks of unused space above high water mark
ORA-03231: the INITIAL
extent may not be deallocated
ORA-03233: unable to
extend table . subpartition by in tablespace
ORA-03234: unable to
extend index . subpartition by in tablespace
ORA-03235: max # extents
() reached in table . subpartition
ORA-03236: max # extents
() reached in index . subpartition
ORA-03237: Initial
Extent of specified size cannot be allocated in tablespace ()
ORA-03238: unable to
extend LOB segment . subpartition by in tablespace
ORA-03239: maxextents ()
reached in LOB segment . subpartition
ORA-03240: User's
temporary tablespace same as tablespace being migrated
ORA-03241: Invalid unit
ORA-03242: Tablespace
migration retried 500 times
ORA-03243: destination
dba overlaps with existing control information
ORA-03244: No free space
found to place the control information
ORA-03245: Tablespace
has to be dictionary managed, online and permanent to be able to migrate
ORA-03246: Invalid block
number specified
ORA-03247: Invalid block
number specified
ORA-03248: Too much of
segment creation activity during migration
ORA-03249: Uniform size
for auto segment space managed tablespace should have atleast blocks
ORA-03250: Cannot mark
this segment corrupt
ORA-03251: Cannot issue
this command on SYSTEM tablespace
ORA-03252: initial
extent size not enough for LOB segment
ORA-03254: unable to
execute the sql in read only database
ORA-03261: the
tablespace has only one file
ORA-03262: the file is
ORA-03263: cannot drop
the first file of tablespace
ORA-03264: cannot drop
offline datafile of locally managed tablespace
ORA-03274: both ALLOCATE
EXTENT and DEALLOCATE UNUSED options are specified
ORA-03275: duplicate
DEALLOCATE option specification
ORA-03276: duplicate
ALLOCATE EXTENT option specification
ORA-03277: invalid SIZE
ORA-03278: duplicate
ALLOCATE EXTENT option specification
ORA-03279: invalid
INSTANCE specified
ORA-03280: invalid
DATAFILE filename specified
ORA-03281: invalid
ORA-03282: missing
ORA-03283: specified
datafile does not exist
ORA-03284: datafile or
tempfile is not a member of tablespace
ORA-03287: invalid
ORA-03288: both FREELIST
GROUP and INSTANCE parameters may not be specified
ORA-03289: partition
name and segment type do not match
ORA-03290: Invalid
truncate command - missing CLUSTER or TABLE keyword
ORA-03291: Invalid
truncate option - missing STORAGE keyword
ORA-03292: Table to be
truncated is part of a cluster
ORA-03293: Cluster to be
truncated is a HASH CLUSTER
ORA-03296: cannot resize
datafile - file not found
ORA-03297: file contains
used data beyond requested RESIZE value
ORA-03298: cannot shrink
datafile - file is under hot backup
ORA-03299: cannot create
dictionary table
ORA-04000: the sum of
PCTUSED and PCTFREE cannot exceed 100
ORA-04001: sequence
parameter must be an integer
must be a non-zero integer
ORA-04003: sequence
parameter exceeds maximum size allowed ( digits)
ORA-04004: MINVALUE must
be less than MAXVALUE
must be less than MAXVALUE minus MINVALUE
cannot be less than MINVALUE
cannot be made to exceed the current value
cannot be more than MAXVALUE
cannot be made to be less than the current value
ORA-04010: the number of
values to CACHE must be greater than 1
ORA-04011: sequence must
range between and
ORA-04012: object is not
a sequence
ORA-04013: number to
CACHE must be less than one cycle
ORA-04014: descending
sequences that CYCLE must specify MINVALUE
ORA-04015: ascending
sequences that CYCLE must specify MAXVALUE
ORA-04016: sequence no
longer exists
ORA-04017: invalid value
(length = ) for parameter max_dump_file_size
ORA-04020: deadlock
detected while trying to lock object
ORA-04021: timeout
occurred while waiting to lock object
ORA-04022: nowait
requested, but had to wait to lock dictionary object
ORA-04023: summary
object could not be validated
ORA-04027: self-deadlock
during automatic validation for object .
ORA-04028: cannot
generate diana for object
ORA-04029: error ORA-
occurred when querying
ORA-04030: out of
process memory when trying to allocate bytes (,)
ORA-04031: unable to
allocate bytes of shared memory
pga_aggregate_target must be set before switching to auto mode
ORA-04033: Insufficient
memory to grow pool
ORA-04034: unable to
shrink pool to specified size
ORA-04041: package
specification must be created first before creating package body
ORA-04042: procedure,
function, package, or package body does not exist
ORA-04043: object does
not exist
ORA-04044: procedure,
function, package, or type is not allowed here
ORA-04045: errors during
recompilation/revalidation of .
ORA-04046: results of
compilation are too large to support
ORA-04047: object
specified is incompatible with the flag specified
ORA-04050: invalid or
missing procedure, function, or package name
ORA-04051: user cannot
use database link .
ORA-04052: error
occurred when looking up remote object
ORA-04053: error
occurred when validating remote object
ORA-04054: database link
does not exist
ORA-04055: Aborted:
"" formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle with "".
ORA-04060: insufficient
privileges to execute
ORA-04061: existing
state of has been invalidated
ORA-04062: of has been
ORA-04063: has errors
ORA-04064: not executed,
ORA-04065: not executed,
altered or dropped
non-executable object,
ORA-04067: not executed,
does not exist
ORA-04068: existing
state of packages has been discarded
ORA-04069: cannot drop
or replace a library with table dependents
ORA-04070: invalid
trigger name
ORA-04071: missing
ORA-04072: invalid
trigger type
ORA-04073: column list
not valid for this trigger type
ORA-04074: invalid
ORA-04075: invalid
trigger action
ORA-04076: invalid NEW
or OLD specification
ORA-04077: WHEN clause
cannot be used with table level triggers
ORA-04078: OLD and NEW
values cannot be identical
ORA-04079: invalid
trigger specification
ORA-04080: trigger ''
does not exist
ORA-04081: trigger ''
already exists
ORA-04082: NEW or OLD
references not allowed in table level triggers
ORA-04083: invalid
trigger variable '%*.s'
ORA-04084: cannot change
NEW values for this trigger type
ORA-04085: cannot change
the value of an OLD reference variable
ORA-04086: trigger
description too long, move comments into triggering code
ORA-04087: cannot change
the value of ROWID reference variable
ORA-04088: error during
execution of trigger '.'
ORA-04089: cannot create
triggers on objects owned by SYS
ORA-04090: '' specifies
same table, event and trigger time as ''
ORA-04091: table . is
mutating, trigger/function may not see it
ORA-04092: cannot in a
ORA-04093: references to
columns of type LONG are not allowed in triggers
ORA-04094: table . is
constraining, trigger may not modify it
ORA-04095: trigger ''
already exists on another table, cannot replace it
ORA-04096: trigger ''
has a WHEN clause which is too large, limit 2K
ORA-04097: DDL conflict
while trying to drop or alter a trigger
ORA-04098: trigger '.'
is invalid and failed re-validation
ORA-04099: trigger '' is
valid but not stored in compiled form
ORA-04930: open sequence
number failed or initial state is valid
ORA-04931: unable to set
initial sequence number value
ORA-04932: increment or
adjust of sequence number failed
ORA-04933: initial
service identifier is non-zero
ORA-04934: unable to
obtain the current sequence number
ORA-04935: unable to
get/convert SCN recovery lock
ORA-04940: unsupported
optimization of Oracle binary, check alert log for more info
ORA-04941: required
operating system patch needs to be applied
ORA-06000: NETASY: port
open failure
ORA-06001: NETASY: port
set-up failure
ORA-06002: NETASY: port
read failure
ORA-06003: NETASY: port
write failure
ORA-06004: NETASY:
dialogue file open failure
ORA-06005: NETASY:
dialogue file read failure
ORA-06006: NETASY:
dialogue execute failure
ORA-06007: NETASY: bad
dialogue format
ORA-06009: NETASY:
dialogue filename too long
ORA-06010: NETASY:
dialogue file too long
ORA-06011: NETASY:
dialogue too long
ORA-06017: NETASY:
message receive failure
ORA-06018: NETASY:
message send failure
ORA-06019: NETASY:
invalid login (connect) string
ORA-06020: NETASY:
initialisation failure
ORA-06021: NETASY:
connect failed
ORA-06022: NETASY:
channel open failure
ORA-06023: NETASY: port
open failure
ORA-06025: NETASY:
Configuration error
ORA-06026: NETASY: port
close failure
ORA-06027: NETASY:
channel close failure
ORA-06028: NETASY:
unable to intialise for logging
ORA-06029: NETASY: port
assignment failure
ORA-06030: NETDNT:
connect failed, unrecognized node name
ORA-06031: NETDNT:
connect failed, unrecognized object name
ORA-06032: NETDNT:
connect failed, access control data rejected
ORA-06033: NETDNT:
connect failed, partner rejected connection
ORA-06034: NETDNT:
connect failed, partner exited unexpectedly
ORA-06035: NETDNT:
connect failed, insufficient resources
ORA-06036: NETDNT:
connect failed, no response from object
ORA-06037: NETDNT:
connect failed, node unreachable
ORA-06038: NETDNT:
connect failed, network driver not loaded
ORA-06039: NETDNT:
connect failed
ORA-06040: NETDNT:
invalid login (connect) string
ORA-06041: NETDNT:
disconnect failed
ORA-06042: NETDNT:
message receive failure
ORA-06043: NETDNT:
message send failure
ORA-06044: NETDNT:
connect failed, byte count quota exceeded
ORA-06102: NETTCP:
cannot allocate context area
ORA-06105: NETTCP:
remote host is unknown
ORA-06106: NETTCP:
socket creation failure
ORA-06107: NETTCP:
ORACLE network server not found
ORA-06108: NETTCP:
connect to host failed
ORA-06109: NETTCP:
message receive failure
ORA-06110: NETTCP:
message send failure
ORA-06111: NETTCP:
disconnect failure
ORA-06112: NETTCP:
invalid buffer size
ORA-06113: NETTCP: Too
many connections
lookup failure
ORA-06115: NETTCP:
unable to create ORACLE logicals
ORA-06116: NETTCP:
unable to create ORASRV process
ORA-06117: NETTCP:
unable to create ORASRV: quota exceeded
ORA-06118: NETTCP:
unable to complete handshake with ORASRV
ORA-06119: NETTCP:
spurious client request
ORA-06120: NETTCP:
network driver not loaded
ORA-06121: NETTCP:
access failure
ORA-06122: NETTCP: setup
ORA-06123: NETTCP:
cannot set KEEPALIVE
ORA-06124: NETTCP:
timeout waiting for ORASRV
ORA-06125: NETTCP:
ORASRV exited unexpectedly
ORA-06126: NETTCP:
ORASRV unable to open network connection
ORA-06127: NETTCP:
unable to change username
ORA-01779: cannot modify
a column which maps to a non key-preserved table
ORA-01780: string
literal required
cannot be specified without AS SELECT
cannot be specified for a cluster or clustered table
ORA-01783: only one
RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE clause may be specified
cannot be specified with database media recovery disabled
ORA-01785: ORDER BY item
must be the number of a SELECT-list expression
ORA-01786: FOR UPDATE of
this query expression is not allowed
ORA-01787: only one
clause allowed per query block
clause required in this query block
ORA-01789: query block
has incorrect number of result columns
ORA-01790: expression
must have same datatype as corresponding expression
ORA-01791: not a
SELECTed expression
ORA-01792: maximum
number of columns in a table or view is 1000
ORA-01793: maximum
number of index columns is 32
ORA-01794: maximum
number of cluster columns is 32
ORA-01795: maximum
number of expressions in a list is 1000
ORA-01796: this operator
cannot be used with lists
ORA-01797: this operator
must be followed by ANY or ALL
ORA-01798: missing
ORA-01799: a column may
not be outer-joined to a subquery
ORA-01800: a literal in
the date format was too large to process
ORA-01801: date format
is too long for internal buffer
ORA-01802: Julian date
is out of range
ORA-01803: failure in
getting date/time
ORA-01804: failure to
initialize timezone information
ORA-01810: format code
appears twice
ORA-01811: Julian date
precludes use of day of year
ORA-01812: year may only
be specified once
ORA-01813: hour may only
be specified once
ORA-01814: AM/PM
conflicts with use of A.M./P.M.
ORA-01815: BC/AD
conflicts with use of B.C./A.D.
ORA-01816: month may
only be specified once
ORA-01817: day of week
may only be specified once
ORA-01818: 'HH24'
precludes use of meridian indicator
ORA-01819: signed year
precludes use of BC/AD
ORA-01820: format code
cannot appear in date input format
ORA-01821: date format
not recognized
ORA-01822: era format
code is not valid with this calendar
ORA-01830: date format
picture ends before converting entire input string
ORA-01831: year
conflicts with Julian date
ORA-01832: day of year
conflicts with Julian date
ORA-01833: month
conflicts with Julian date
ORA-01834: day of month
conflicts with Julian date
ORA-01835: day of week
conflicts with Julian date
ORA-01836: hour
conflicts with seconds in day
ORA-01837: minutes of
hour conflicts with seconds in day
ORA-01838: seconds of
minute conflicts with seconds in day
ORA-01839: date not
valid for month specified
ORA-01840: input value
not long enough for date format
ORA-01841: (full) year
must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
ORA-01842: quarter must
be between 1 and 4
ORA-01843: not a valid
ORA-01844: week of year
must be between 1 and 52
ORA-01845: week of month
must be between 1 and 5
ORA-01846: not a valid
day of the week
ORA-01847: day of month
must be between 1 and last day of month
ORA-01848: day of year
must be between 1 and 365 (366 for leap year)
ORA-01849: hour must be
between 1 and 12
ORA-01850: hour must be
between 0 and 23
ORA-01851: minutes must
be between 0 and 59
ORA-01852: seconds must
be between 0 and 59
ORA-01853: seconds in
day must be between 0 and 86399
ORA-01854: julian date
must be between 1 and 5373484
ORA-01855: AM/A.M. or
PM/P.M. required
ORA-01856: BC/B.C. or
AD/A.D. required
ORA-01857: not a valid
time zone
ORA-01858: a non-numeric
character was found where a numeric was expected
ORA-01859: a
non-alphabetic character was found where an alphabetic was expected
ORA-01860: week of year
must be between 1 and 53
ORA-01861: literal does
not match format string
ORA-01862: the numeric
value does not match the length of the format item
ORA-01863: the year is
not supported for the current calendar
ORA-01864: the date is
out of range for the current calendar
ORA-01865: not a valid
ORA-01866: the datetime
class is invalid
ORA-01867: the interval
is invalid
ORA-01868: the leading
precision of the interval is too small
ORA-01869: reserved for
future use
ORA-01870: the intervals
or datetimes are not mutually comparable
ORA-01871: the number of
seconds must be less than 60
ORA-01872: reserved for
future use
ORA-01873: the leading
precision of the interval is too small
ORA-01874: time zone
hour must be between -12 and 14
ORA-01875: time zone
minute must be between -59 and 59
ORA-01876: year must be
at least -4713
ORA-01877: string is too
long for internal buffer
ORA-01878: specified
field not found in datetime or interval
ORA-01879: the hh25
field must be between 0 and 24
ORA-01880: the
fractional seconds must be between 0 and 999999999
ORA-01881: timezone
region id %d is invalid
ORA-01882: timezone
region not found
ORA-01883: overlap was
disabled during a region transition
ORA-01890: NLS error
Datetime/Interval internal error
ORA-01898: too many
precision specifiers
ORA-01899: bad precision
keyword expected
keyword expected
keyword expected
keyword expected
keyword expected
keyword expected
keyword expected
keyword expected
keyword expected
ORA-01909: REUSE keyword
keyword expected
keyword expected
ORA-01912: ROW keyword
keyword expected
ORA-01914: invalid
auditing option for sequence numbers
ORA-01915: invalid
auditing option for views
ORA-01916: keyword
ORA-01917: user or role
'' does not exist
ORA-01918: user '' does
not exist
ORA-01919: role '' does
not exist
ORA-01920: user name ''
conflicts with another user or role name
ORA-01921: role name ''
conflicts with another user or role name
ORA-01922: CASCADE must
be specified to drop ''
aborted, objects locked by another user
ORA-01924: role '' not
granted or does not exist
ORA-01925: maximum of
enabled roles exceeded
ORA-01926: cannot GRANT
ORA-01927: cannot REVOKE
privileges you did not grant
ORA-01928: GRANT option
not granted for all privileges
ORA-01929: no privileges
ORA-01930: auditing the
object is not supported
ORA-01931: cannot grant
to a role
ORA-01932: ADMIN option
not granted for role ''
ORA-01933: cannot create
a stored object using privileges from a role
ORA-01934: circular role
grant detected
ORA-01935: missing user
or role name
ORA-01936: cannot
specify owner when creating users or roles
ORA-01937: missing or
invalid role name
must be specified for CREATE USER
ORA-01939: only the
ADMIN OPTION can be specified
ORA-01940: cannot drop a
user that is currently connected
keyword expected
and EXTERNALLY cannot both be specified
already specified
EXTERNALLY already specified
ROLE[S] already specified
TABLESPACE already specified
TABLESPACE already specified
ORA-01948: identifier's
name length () exceeds maximum ()
ORA-01949: ROLE keyword
ORA-01950: no privileges
on tablespace ''
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