ORA-29745: Perform IMR
ORA-29746: Cluster
Synchronization Service is being shut down.
ORA-29750: enable CGS
name service event trace
instance_number parameter not specified
ORA-29798: Dump
diagnostics for HA only during internal testing.
ORA-29799: crash for
soft assert macros in global enqueue service layer
ORA-29800: invalid name
for operator
ORA-29801: missing
RETURN keyword
ORA-29802: missing
CONTEXT keyword
ORA-29803: missing
ORA-29804: missing DATA
ORA-29805: missing COLUMN
ORA-29806: specified
binding does not exist
ORA-29807: specified
operator does not exist
ORA-29808: specified
primary operator binding does not exist
ORA-29809: cannot drop
an operator with dependent objects
ORA-29810: inadequate
operator privileges
ORA-29811: missing
ORA-29812: incorrect
object name specified
ORA-29813: non-supported
object type with associate statement
ORA-29814: expecting
USING or DEFAULT keyword
ORA-29815: object being
associated is not present
ORA-29816: object being
disassociated is not present
ORA-29817: non-supported
option with disassociate statement
ORA-29818: column name
not properly specified
ORA-29819: cannot
associate default values with columns
ORA-29820: the
statistics type is not present
ORA-29821: specified
primary operator does not exist
ORA-29822: selectivity
cannot be specified for the type of object
ORA-29823: object being
analyzed is not a table
ORA-29824: operator is
ORA-29825: invalid name
for indextype
ORA-29826: keyword FOR is
ORA-29827: keyword USING
is missing
ORA-29828: invalid name
for implementation type
implementation type does not exist
ORA-29830: operator does
not exist
ORA-29831: operator
binding not found
ORA-29832: cannot drop
or replace an indextype with dependent indexes
ORA-29833: indextype
does not exist
ORA-29834: REF datatype
not supported with operators
ODCIGETINTERFACES routine does not return required interface(s)
ORA-29836: failed to
validate referenced operators
ORA-29837: insufficient
privileges to execute implementation type
ORA-29838: insufficient
privileges to execute the operator(s)
ORA-29839: failed to
validate implementation type
ORA-29840: indextype and
implementation type are not in same schema
ORA-29841: invalid
ORA-29842: option not
supported with the version of the indextype interface
ORA-29843: indextype
should support atleast one operator
ORA-29844: duplicate
operator name specified
ORA-29845: indextype
does not support local domain index on partitioned table
ORA-29846: cannot create
a local domain index on a partitioned table
ORA-29847: cannot create
a local domain index on a partitioned index-organized table
ORA-29848: error
occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXMERGEPARTITION routine
ORA-29849: error
occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXSPLITPARTITION routine
ORA-29850: invalid
option for creation of domain indexes
ORA-29851: cannot build
a domain index on more than one column
ORA-29852: keyword IS is
ORA-29853: keyword UNIQUE
may not be used in creating domain indexes
ORA-29854: keyword
BITMAP may not be used in creating domain indexes
ORA-29855: error
occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
ORA-29856: error
occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXDROP routine
ORA-29857: domain
indexes and/or secondary objects exist in the tablespace
ORA-29858: error
occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXALTER routine
ORA-29859: error
occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE routine
ORA-29860: cannot
truncate a table with domain indexes marked LOADING
ORA-29861: domain index
ORA-29862: cannot
specify FORCE option for dropping non-domain index
ORA-29863: warning in
the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
ORA-29864: analyzing
domain indexes marked LOADING/FAILED not supported
ORA-29865: indextype is
ORA-29866: cannot create
domain index on a column of index-organized table
ORA-29867: cannot create
a domain index on a LONG column
ORA-29868: cannot issue
DDL on a domain index marked as LOADING
ORA-29869: cannot issue
ALTER without REBUILD on a domain index marked FAILED
ORA-29870: specified
options are only valid for altering a domain index
ORA-29871: invalid alter
option for a domain index
ORA-29872: parameters
clause cannot be combined with the specified options
ORA-29873: warning in
the execution of ODCIINDEXDROP routine
ORA-29874: warning in
the execution of ODCIINDEXALTER routine
ORA-29875: failed in the
execution of the ODCIINDEXINSERT routine
ORA-29876: failed in the
execution of the ODCIINDEXDELETE routine
ORA-29877: failed in the
execution of the ODCIINDEXUPDATE routine
ORA-29878: warning in
the execution of ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE routine
ORA-27154: post/wait
create failed
ORA-27155: could not
execute file
ORA-27156: request for
process information failed
ORA-27157: OS post/wait
facility removed
ORA-27158: process
control failure
ORA-27159: failure
setting process scheduling priority
ORA-27160: process
requested to perform operation
ORA-27161: request for
Oracle binary information failed
ORA-27162: thread
creation failed
ORA-27163: out of memory
ORA-27164: tried to join
detached thread
ORA-27165: tried to join
thread that does not exist
ORA-27166: tried to join
current thread
ORA-27190: skgfrd:
sbtread2 returned error
ORA-27191: sbtinfo2
returned error
ORA-27192: skgfcls:
sbtclose2 returned error - failed to close file
ORA-27193: sbtinfo2 did
not return volume label
ORA-27194: skgfdvcmd:
sbtcommand returned error
ORA-27195: proxy copy
not supported
ORA-27196: skgfpbk:
sbtpcbackup returned error
ORA-27197: skgfprs:
sbtpcrestore returned error
ORA-27198: skgfpvl:
sbtpcvalidate returned error
ORA-27199: skgfpst:
sbtpcstatus returned error
ORA-27200: skgfpgo:
sbtpcstart returned error
ORA-27201: skgfpcm:
sbtpccommit returned error
ORA-27202: skgfpen:
sbtpcend returned error
ORA-27203: skgfpqb:
sbtpcquerybackup returned error
ORA-27204: skgfpqr:
sbtpcqueryrestore returned error
ORA-27205: skgfpcn:
sbtpccancel returned error
ORA-27206: requested
file not found in media management catalog
ORA-27207: syntax error
in device PARMS - parentheses mismatch or missing
ORA-27208: syntax error
in device PARMS - environment variable value missing
ORA-27209: syntax error
in device PARMS - unknown keyword or missing =
ORA-27210: syntax error
in device PARMS
ORA-27211: Failed to
load Media Management Library
ORA-27212: some
entrypoints in Media Management Library are missing
ORA-27213: failed to
unload Media Management Library
ORA-27214: skgfrsfe:
file search failed
ORA-27215: skgfgsmcs:
sbtinfo2 returned unknown file
ORA-27216: skgfgsmcs:
sbtinfo2 returned a malformed response
ORA-27230: OS system
call failure
ORA-27250: OS system
call failure
ORA-27300: OS system
dependent operation: failed with status:
ORA-27301: OS failure
ORA-27302: failure occurred
ORA-27303: additional
ORA-27352: unable to get
lock on queue
ORA-27355: unable to
lock row cache entry
ORA-27358: unknown
allocation type
ORA-27360: unknown
operation type
ORA-27365: job has been
notified to stop, but failed to do so immediately
ORA-27366: job
"." is not running
ORA-27367: program
"." associated with this job is disabled
ORA-27368: job execution
ORA-27369: job of type
EXECUTABLE failed with exit code:
ORA-27370: job slave
failed to launch a job of type EXECUTABLE
ORA-27371: jobs of type
EXECUTABLE are not supported on this platform
ORA-27372: length of
action and arguments exceeds platform limit
ORA-27373: unknown or
illegal event source queue
ORA-27374: insufficient
privileges on event source queue
ORA-27375: valid agent
name must be specified for secure queues
ORA-27376: event
condition cannot be NULL
ORA-27377: windows
cannot have event based schedules
ORA-27378: cannot stop
jobs of type EXECUTABLE on this platform
ORA-27399: job type
ORA-27401: Scheduler
debug event
ORA-27402: Scheduler
tracing event
ORA-27403: scheduler
stop job event
ORA-27411: empty string
is not a valid repeat interval.
ORA-27412: repeat
interval or calendar contains invalid identifier:
ORA-27413: repeat
interval is too long
ORA-27414: Invalid BY
value type
ORA-27415: repeat
interval or calendar must start with the FREQ= clause
ORA-27416: BYDAY= clause
in repeat interval or calendar contains an invalid weekday
ORA-27417: BYWEEKNO clause
is only supported when FREQ=YEARLY
ORA-27418: syntax error
in repeat interval or calendar
ORA-27419: unable to
determine valid execution date from repeat interval
ORA-27421: usage of not
supported in a calendar definition
ORA-27431: chain . has a
user-managed rule set
ORA-27432: step does not
exist for chain .
ORA-27433: cannot alter
state of step for job . to
ORA-27434: cannot alter
chain step job ..
ORA-27435: chain job
terminated abnormally
ORA-27451: cannot be
ORA-27452: is an invalid
name for a database object.
ORA-27453: is an invalid
job or program argument name.
ORA-27454: argument name
and position cannot be NULL
ORA-27455: Only
"SYS" is a valid schema for a .
ORA-27456: not all
arguments of program "." have been defined
ORA-27457: argument of
job "." has no value
ORA-27458: A program of
type PLSQL_BLOCK cannot have any arguments.
ORA-27459: A program of
type EXECUTABLE must have character-only arguments.
ORA-27460: cannot
execute disabled job "."
ORA-27461: The value for
attribute is too large.
ORA-27463: invalid
program type
ORA-27464: invalid
schedule type
ORA-27465: invalid value
for attribute
ORA-27466: internal
scheduler error:
ORA-27467: invalid
datatype for value
ORA-27468: "."
is locked by another process
ORA-27469: is not a
valid attribute
ORA-27470: failed to
re-enable "." after making requested change
ORA-27471: window
"." is already closed
ORA-27472: invalid
metadata attribute
ORA-27473: argument does
not exist
ORA-27474: cannot give
both an argument name and an argument position
ORA-27475: "."
must be a
ORA-27476: "."
does not exist
ORA-27477: "."
already exists
ORA-27478: job
"." is running
ORA-27479: Cannot
"." because other objects depend on it
ORA-27480: window
"" is currently open
ORA-27481: "."
has an invalid schedule
ORA-27483: "."
has an invalid END_DATE
ORA-27484: Argument
names are not supported for jobs without a program.
ORA-27485: argument
already exists at a different position
ORA-27486: insufficient
ORA-27487: invalid
object privilege for a
ORA-27488: unable to set
because was/were already set
ORA-27489: unable to
process job "." from job class ""
ORA-27490: cannot open
disabled window "."
repeat_interval and start_date cannot both be NULL
inter-instance IPC error
ORA-27501: IPC error
creating a port
ORA-27502: IPC error
deleting OSD context
ORA-27503: IPC error
attempting to cancel request
ORA-27504: IPC error
creating OSD context
ORA-27505: IPC error
destroying a port
ORA-27506: IPC error
connecting to a port
ORA-27507: IPC error
disconnecting from a port
ORA-27508: IPC error
sending a message
ORA-27509: IPC error
receiving a message
ORA-27510: IPC error
waiting for a request to complete
ORA-27512: IPC error
posting a process
ORA-27513: parameter
contains invalid value
ORA-27514: IPC error
coyping memory to remote process
ORA-27542: Failed to
unprepare a buffer prepared for remote update
ORA-27543: Failed to
cancel outstanding IPC request
ORA-27544: Failed to map
memory region for export
ORA-27545: Fail to
prepare buffer for remote update
ORA-27546: Oracle
compiled against IPC interface version . found version .
ORA-27547: Unable to
query IPC OSD attribute
ORA-27548: Unable to
unprepare IPC buffer
ORA-27550: Target ID
protocol check failed. tid vers=%d, type=%d, remote instance number=%d, local
instance number=%d
ORA-27551: Number of IPC
ports exceeds OSD limit
ORA-28000: the account
is locked
ORA-28001: the password
has expired
ORA-28002: the password
will expire within days
ORA-28003: password
verification for the specified password failed
ORA-28004: invalid
argument for function specified in PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION
ORA-28005: invalid logon
ORA-28006: conflicting
values for parameters and
ORA-28007: the password
cannot be reused
ORA-28008: invalid old
ORA-28009: connection as
SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER
ORA-28010: cannot expire
external or global accounts
ORA-28011: the account
will expire soon; change your password now
ORA-28012: Manual commit
not allowed here
GLOBALLY already specified
ORA-28021: cannot grant
global roles
ORA-28022: cannot grant
external roles to global user or role
ORA-28023: must revoke
grants of this role to other user(s) first
ORA-28024: must revoke
grants of external roles to this role/user
ORA-28025: missing or
null external name
ORA-28026: user with
same external name already exists
ORA-28027: privileged
database links may be used by global users
ORA-28028: could not
authenticate remote server
ORA-28029: could not
authorize remote server for user
ORA-28030: Server
encountered problems accessing LDAP directory service
ORA-28031: maximum of
enabled roles exceeded
ORA-28033: LDAP problem
ORA-28035: Cannot Get
Session Key for Authentication
ORA-28037: Cannot Get
Session Key for RACF Authentication
ORA-28038: disallow
ORA-28039: cannot
validate Kerberos service ticket
ORA-28040: No matching
authentication protocol
Authentication protocol internal error
ORA-28042: Server
authentication failed
ORA-28043: invalid bind
credentials for DB-OID connection
ORA-28044: unsupported
directory type
ORA-28045: SSL
authentication between database and OID failed
ORA-28046: Password
change for SYS disallowed
ORA-28047: database is
not a member of any enterprise domain in OID
ORA-28048: database is a
member of multiple enterprise domains in OID
ORA-28049: the password
has expired
ORA-28051: the account
is locked
ORA-28052: the account
is disabled
ORA-28053: the account
is inactive
ORA-28054: the password
has expired. Grace logins are left
ORA-28055: the password
will expire within days
ORA-28100: policy
function schema is invalid
ORA-28101: policy
already exists
ORA-28102: policy does
not exist
ORA-28103: adding a
policy to an object owned by SYS is not allowed
ORA-28104: input value
for is not valid
ORA-28105: cannot create
security relevant column policy in an object view
ORA-28106: input value
for argument # is not valid
ORA-28107: policy was
ORA-28108: circular
security policies detected
ORA-28109: the number of
related policies has exceeded the limit of 16
ORA-28110: policy
function or package . has error
ORA-28111: insufficient
privilege to evaluate policy predicate
ORA-28112: failed to
execute policy function
ORA-28113: policy
predicate has error
ORA-28115: policy with
check option violation
ORA-28116: insufficient
privileges to do direct path access
ORA-28117: integrity
constraint violated - parent record not found
ORA-28118: policy group
already exists
ORA-28119: policy group
does not exist
ORA-28120: driving
context already exists
ORA-28121: driving
context does not exist
ORA-28122: can not
update SYS_DEFAULT policy group
ORA-28123: Driving
context ',' contains invalid group ''
ORA-28130: Fine Grained
Access Control at table level
ORA-28131: Fine Grained
Access Control enforced
ORA-28132: Merge into
syntax does not support security policies.
ORA-28133: full table
access is restricted by fine-grained security
ORA-28134: object cannot
have fine-grained access control policy
ORA-28135: VPD check
option silent error event
ORA-28136: Ignore check
option error
ORA-28137: Invalid FGA
audit Handler
ORA-28138: Error in
Policy Predicate
ORA-28139: Maximum
allowed Fine Grain Audit Policies Exceeded
ORA-28140: Invalid
column specified
ORA-28141: error in
creating audit index file
ORA-28142: error in
accessing audit index file
ORA-28150: proxy not
authorized to connect as client
ORA-28151: more than one
user name specified for command
ORA-28152: proxy user ''
may not specify initial role '' on behalf of client ''
ORA-28153: Invalid
client initial role specified: ''
ORA-28154: Proxy user
may not act as client ''
ORA-28155: user ''
specified as a proxy is actually a role
ORA-28156: Proxy user ''
not authorized to set role '' for client ''
ORA-28157: Proxy user ''
forbidden to set role '' for client ''
ORA-28158: missing ALL
ORA-28159: missing
BEHALF keyword
ORA-28160: missing
EXCEPT keyword
ORA-28161: missing ROLES
ORA-28162: missing
THROUGH keyword
ORA-28163: GRANT already
already specified
ORA-28165: proxy '' may
not specify password-protected role '' for client ''
ORA-28166: duplicate
rolename in list
ORA-28168: attempted to
grant password-protected role
ORA-28169: unsupported
certificate type
ORA-28170: unsupported
certificate version
ORA-28171: unsupported
Kerberos version
ORA-28172: distinguished
name not provided by proxy
ORA-28173: certificate
not provided by proxy
ORA-28174: Kerberos
ticket not provided by proxy
ORA-28175: incorrect
certificate type
ORA-28176: incorrect
certificate version
ORA-28177: incorrect
Kerberos ticket version
ORA-28178: password not
provided by proxy
ORA-28179: client user
name not provided by proxy
ORA-28180: multiple
authentication methods provided by proxy
ORA-28181: proxy ''
failed to enable one or more of the specified initial roles for client ''
ORA-28182: cannot
acquire Kerberos service ticket for client
ORA-28183: proper
authentication not provided by proxy
ORA-28184: global user
cannot have proxy permissions managed in the directory
USING already specified
ORA-28201: Not enough
privileges to enable application role ''
ORA-28221: REPLACE not
ORA-28231: no data
passed to obfuscation toolkit
ORA-28232: invalid input
length for obfuscation toolkit
ORA-28233: double
encryption not supported
ORA-28234: key length
too short
ORA-28235: algorithm not
ORA-28236: invalid
Triple DES mode
ORA-28237: seed length
too short
ORA-28238: no seed
ORA-28239: no key
can not be used in PLSQL Definer's Right procedure.
global_context_pool_size has invalid value.
ORA-28263: Insufficient
memory in global context pool
ORA-28264: Client
identifier is too long
ORA-28265: NameSpace
beginning with 'sys_' is not allowed
ORA-28266: Application
Context tracing event
ORA-28267: Invalid
NameSpace Value
ORA-28268: Exceeded the
maximum allowed size for Context information in a session
ORA-28270: Malformed
user nickname for password authenticated global user.
ORA-28271: No permission
to read user entry in LDAP directory service.
ORA-28272: Domain policy
restricts password based GLOBAL user authentication.
ORA-28273: No mapping
for user nickname to LDAP distinguished name exists.
ORA-28274: No ORACLE
password attribute corresponding to user nickname exists.
ORA-28275: Multiple
mappings for user nickname to LDAP distinguished name exist.
ORA-28276: Invalid
ORACLE password attribute.
ORA-28277: LDAP search,
while authenticating global user with passwords, failed.
ORA-28278: No domain
policy registered for password based GLOBAL users.
ORA-28279: Error reading
ldap_directory_access init parameter.
ORA-28280: Multiple
entries for ORACLE database password exist.
ORA-28290: Multiple
entries found for the same Kerberos Principal Name
ORA-28291: No Kerberos
Principal Value found.
ORA-28292: No Domain
Policy registered for Kerberos based authentication
ORA-28293: No matched
Kerberos Principal found in any user entry
ORA-28300: No permission
to read user entry in LDAP directory service.
ORA-28301: Domain Policy
hasn't been registered for SSL authentication.
ORA-28302: User does not
exist in the LDAP directory service.
ORA-28310: Cannot enable
more than one mutual exclusive role
ORA-28330: encryption is
not allowed for this data type
ORA-28331: encrypted
column size too long for its data type
ORA-28332: cannot have
more than one password for the encryption key
ORA-28333: column is not
ORA-28334: column is
already encrypted
ORA-28335: referenced or
referencing FK constraint column cannot be encrypted
ORA-28336: cannot encrypt
SYS owned objects
ORA-28337: the specified
index may not be defined on an encrypted column
ORA-28338: cannot
encrypt indexed column(s) with salt
ORA-28339: missing or
invalid encryption algorithm
ORA-28340: a different
encryption algorithm has been chosen for the table
ORA-28341: cannot
encrypt constraint column(s) with salt
ORA-28342: integrity
check fails on column key
ORA-28343: fails to
encrypt data
ORA-28344: fails to
decrypt data
ORA-28345: cannot
downgrade because there exists encrypted column
ORA-28346: an encrypted
column cannot serve as a partitioning column
ORA-28347: encryption
properties mismatch
ORA-28348: index defined
on the specified column cannot be encrypted
ORA-28349: cannot
encrypt the specified column recorded in the materialized view log
ORA-28350: cannot
encrypt the specified column recorded in CDC synchronized change table
ORA-28353: failed to
open wallet
ORA-28354: wallet
already open
ORA-28355: failed to
initialize security module
ORA-28356: invalid open
wallet syntax
ORA-28357: password
required to open the wallet
ORA-28358: improper set
key syntax
ORA-28359: invalid
certificate identifier
ORA-28360: security
module internal error
ORA-28361: master key
not yet set
ORA-28362: master key
not found
ORA-28363: buffer
provided not large enough for output
ORA-28364: invalid
wallet operation
ORA-28365: wallet is not
ORA-28366: invalid
database encryption operation
ORA-28367: wallet does
not exist
ORA-28368: cannot
auto-create wallet
ORA-28378: Wallet not
open after setting the Master Key
ORA-28379: a different
integrity algorithm has been chosen for the table
ORA-28400: Event to
enable TDE tracing
ORA-28500: connection
from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:
ORA-28501: communication
error on heterogeneous database link
ORA-28502: internal
communication error on heterogeneous database link
ORA-28503: bind value
cannot be translated into SQL text for non-Oracle system
ORA-28504: ROWID not
found in ROWID cache for heterogeneous database link
ORA-28505: cannot get non-Oracle
system capabilities from
ORA-28506: parse error
in data dictionary translation for stored in
ORA-28507: error in data
dictionary view
ORA-28508: invalid value
for Heterogeneous Services initialization parameter
ORA-28509: unable to
establish a connection to non-Oracle system
ORA-28510: heterogeneous
database link initialization failed
ORA-28511: lost RPC
connection to heterogeneous remote agent using SID=
ORA-28512: cannot get
data dictionary translations from
ORA-28513: internal
error in heterogeneous remote agent
ORA-28514: heterogeneous
database link initialization could not convert system date
ORA-28515: cannot get
external object definitions from
ORA-28518: data
dictionary translation has illegal translation type
ORA-28519: no
heterogeneous data dictionary translations available
ORA-28520: error
initializing heterogeneous data dictionary translations
ORA-28521: no
heterogeneous capability information available
ORA-28522: error
initializing heterogeneous capabilities
ORA-28523: ORACLE and
heterogeneous agent are incompatible versions
ORA-28525: unable to
create Heterogeneous Services error message text
ORA-28526: invalid
describe information returned to Heterogeneous Services
ORA-28527: Heterogeneous
Services datatype mapping error
ORA-28528: Heterogeneous
Services datatype conversion error
ORA-28529: invalid or
missing parameter in Net8 service name definition
ORA-28530: Heterogeneous
Services initialization error in NLS language ID
ORA-28533: Heterogeneous
Services coercion handling error
ORA-28534: Heterogeneous
Services preprocessing error
ORA-28535: invalid
Heterogeneous Services context
ORA-28536: error in
processing Heterogeneous Services initialization parameters
ORA-28537: no more
result sets
ORA-28538: result set
not found
ORA-28539: gateway does
not support result sets
ORA-28540: internal
result set error
ORA-28541: Error in HS
init file on line %d.
ORA-28542: Error in
reading HS init file
ORA-28543: Error
initializing apply connection to non-Oracle system
ORA-28544: connect to
agent failed, probable Net8 administration error
ORA-28545: error
diagnosed by Net8 when connecting to an agent
ORA-28546: connection
initialization failed, probable Net8 admin error
ORA-28547: connection to
server failed, probable Oracle Net admin error
ORA-28550: pass-through
SQL: cursor not found
ORA-28551: pass-through
SQL: SQL parse error
ORA-28552: pass-through
SQL: call flow error
ORA-28553: pass-through
SQL: invalid bind-variable position
ORA-28554: pass-through
SQL: out of cursors
ORA-28555: pass-through
SQL: required parameter missing or NULL
ORA-28556: authorization
insufficient to access table
ORA-28557: unknown for
database link to non-Oracle system
HS_FDS_CONNECT_STRING undefined for non-Oracle system
ORA-28560: error in
configuration of agent process
ORA-28561: unable to set
date format on non-Oracle system
ORA-28575: unable to
open RPC connection to external procedure agent
ORA-28576: lost RPC
connection to external procedure agent
ORA-28577: argument of
external procedure has unsupported datatype
ORA-28578: protocol
error during callback from an external procedure
ORA-28579: network error
during callback from external procedure agent
ORA-28580: recursive
external procedures are not supported
ORA-28581: protocol
error while executing recursive external procedure
ORA-28582: a direct
connection to this agent is not allowed
ORA-28583: remote
references are not permitted during agent callbacks
ORA-28584: heterogeneous
apply internal error
ORA-28590: agent control
utility: illegal or badly formed command
ORA-28591: agent control
utility: unable to access parameter file
ORA-28592: agent control
utility: agent SID not set
ORA-28593: agent control
utility: command terminated with error
ORA-28594: agent control
utility: invalid parameter name
ORA-28595: Extproc agent
: Invalid DLL Path
ORA-28601: invalid
[no]MINIMIZE option
ORA-28602: statement not
permitted on tables containing bitmap indexes
ORA-28603: statement not
permitted on empty tables
ORA-28604: table too
fragmented to build bitmap index (,,)
ORA-28605: bitmap
indexes cannot be reversed
ORA-28606: block too
fragmented to build bitmap index (,)
ORA-28611: bitmap index
is corrupted - see trace file for diagnostics
ORA-28650: Primary index
on an IOT cannot be rebuilt
ORA-28651: Primary index
on IOTs can not be marked unusable
ORA-28652: overflow
segment attributes cannot be specified
ORA-28653: tables must
both be index-organized
ORA-28654: table and
partition not overflow compatible
ORA-28655: Alter table
add overflow syntax error
ORA-28656: incomplete
attribute specification
ORA-28657: Allow IOT w/o
overflow though overflow is required
ORA-28658: This
operation is supported only for Index-Organized tables
ORA-28659: COMPRESS must
be specified at object level first
ORA-28660: Partitioned
Index-Organized table may not be MOVEd as a whole
ORA-28661: Object
already has COMPRESS clause specified
ORA-28662: IOT index and
overflow segments must share the same LOGGING attribute
Logging/Nologging attribute can not be specified in the statement ALTER TABLE
ORA-28664: a partitioned
table may not be coalesced as a whole
ORA-28665: table and
partition must have same compression attribute
ORA-28666: option not
allowed for an index on UROWID column(s)
option not allowed for the primary key of an IOT
ORA-28668: cannot
reference mapping table of an index-organized table
ORA-28669: bitmap index
can not be created on an IOT with no mapping table
ORA-28670: mapping table
cannot be dropped due to an existing bitmap index
REFERENCES may not be used on a partitioned index as a whole
REFERENCES may not be used on a global index
ORA-28673: Merge
operation not allowed on an index-organized table
ORA-28674: cannot
reference transient index-organized table
ORA-28750: unknown error
ORA-28751: memory
allocation failure
ORA-28752: data source
initialization failure
ORA-28753: failure to
terminate use of data source
ORA-28754: object storage
ORA-28755: object
retrieval failure
ORA-28756: callback
failure to allocate memory
ORA-28757: system
attempt to allocate 0 bytes of memory
ORA-28758: memory
release failure
ORA-28759: failure to
open file
ORA-28760: list creation
ORA-28761: element
creation failure
ORA-28762: failure to
add element
ORA-28763: Invalid
parameter type found in configuration file.
ORA-28764: failure to
retrieve a configuration parameter
ORA-28765: Data method
list does not exist.
ORA-28766: failure to terminate
use of data source
ORA-28767: invalid
version number
ORA-28768: bad magic
ORA-28769: Specified
method does not exist.
ORA-28770: Data source
is already initialized.
ORA-28771: Data source
is not yet initialized.
ORA-28772: invalid file
ORA-28773: failure to
write magic and version numbers
ORA-28774: file cannot
write to disk
ORA-28775: file cannot
ORA-28776: Output buffer
supplied is too small.
ORA-28777: binding
creation failure
ORA-28778: Configuration
parameter is not specified in the proper format.
ORA-28779: no data
access method specified in parameter
ORA-28780: invalid data
access method specified by the parameter
ORA-28781: No data for
the access method is specified in the parameter.
ORA-28782: data source
is not allocated
ORA-28783: invalid
ORA-28784: file name
translation failure
ORA-28785: parameter
does not exist
ORA-28786: decryption of
encrypted private key failure
ORA-28787: private key
encryption failure
ORA-28788: user provided
invalid information, or an unknown error
ORA-28789: name type not
ORA-28790: NLS string
open failure
ORA-28791: certificate
verification failure
ORA-28792: PL/SQL
operation failure
ORA-28793: variable bind
ORA-28794: data type
attribute did not initialize
ORA-28795: data type
attribute did not terminate
ORA-28796: access method
is not supported
ORA-28797: invalid key
data type
ORA-28798: Number of
sub-keys application passes to bind does not match that in the key.
ORA-28799: failure to
allocate shared memory
ORA-28800: data source
failed to open
ORA-28801: invalid
object type
ORA-28802: invalid mode
or data source in configuration file
ORA-28803: I/O operation
ORA-28804: Data source
cannot close.
ORA-28805: Cannot
retrieve information from the data source.
ORA-28806: Cannot write
to the data source.
ORA-28807: Cannot update
the data source.
ORA-28808: Cannot
retrieve method information from the configuration file.
ORA-28809: Cannot delete
information from the data source.
ORA-28810: Cannot create
key descriptor.
ORA-28811: invalid
access descriptor
ORA-28812: record
operation failure
ORA-28813: invalid
record type
ORA-28814: Cannot
convert a number in Oracle format to native format.
ORA-28815: Cannot
convert a number in native format to Oracle format.
ORA-28816: No password
provided for a PL/SQL function.
ORA-28817: PL/SQL
function returned an error.
ORA-28818: No package
context provided.
ORA-28819: No
distinguished name provided.
ORA-28820: Signature or
decryption/encryption state is not provided.
ORA-28821: No input
buffer provided.
ORA-28822: Required seed
is not specified.
ORA-28823: Number of
random bytes to generate is not specified.
ORA-28824: invalid
encryption/decryption/signature state passed
ORA-28825: No
cryptographic engine function specified.
ORA-28826: invalid
cryptographic engine function passed
ORA-28827: invalid
cipher type passed
ORA-28828: invalid
identity type passed
ORA-28829: no cipher
type specified
ORA-28830: no identity
type specified
ORA-28831: no data unit
ORA-28832: invalid data
unit format
ORA-28833: inadequate
information provided
ORA-28834: Buffer is too
ORA-28835: Identity
descriptor is not present or is too small.
ORA-28836: Wallet is not
ORA-28837: no wallet
ORA-28838: no identity
ORA-28839: no persona
ORA-28840: Wallet is
already open.
ORA-28841: Operation is
not supported.
ORA-28842: Incorrect
file permissions
ORA-28843: Operating
system error while creating/opening file
ORA-28844: No wallet
ORA-28845: No
ORA-28846: No private
ORA-28847: No clear
private key file
ORA-28848: No encrypted
private key file
ORA-28849: No
ORA-28850: No clear
trustpoint file
ORA-28851: No encrypted
trustpoint file
ORA-28852: Bad password
Initialization failure
ORA-28854: Memory
allocation failure
ORA-28855: Unsupported
SSL operation
ORA-28856: Buffer
overflow error
ORA-28857: Unknown SSL
ORA-28858: SSL protocol
ORA-28859: SSL
negotiation failure
ORA-28860: Fatal SSL
ORA-28861: SSL connection
would block
ORA-28862: SSL
connection failed
ORA-28863: SSL session
not found
ORA-28864: SSL
connection closed gracefully
ORA-28865: SSL
connection closed
ORA-28866: Invalid peer
certificate encoding
ORA-28867: Integer value
is too big.
ORA-28868: Peer
certificate chain check failed.
ORA-28869: Peer's
certificate is expired.
ORA-28870: Name
comparison failure
ORA-28871: Peer
certificate chain is incomplete.
ORA-28872: Invalid peer
certificate format
ORA-28873: Invalid
ORA-28874: SSL: I/O closed
- override goodbye kiss
ORA-28875: SSL: use
server-gated cryptographic suites
ORA-28876: Internet
Explorer SGC Error
ORA-28879: no protocol
side set
ORA-28884: invalid
cipher suite
ORA-28885: No
certificate with the required key usage found.
ORA-28890: Entrust Login
ORA-29000: Certificate
not installed
ORA-29002: SSL transport
detected invalid or obsolete server certificate.
ORA-29003: SSL transport
detected mismatched server certificate.
ORA-29004: Callback
ORA-29005: The
certificate is invalid.
ORA-29006: The
certificate request message is invalid when using SSL 2.0.
ORA-29007: Bad Clear Key
Length when using SSL 2.0
ORA-29008: Bad DH Param
key length
ORA-29009: Bad encrypted
key length when using SSL 2.0
ORA-29010: Export key
length does not meet export restrictions.
ORA-29011: Finished
message is incorrect.
ORA-29012: Bad key
argument length when using SSL 2.0
ORA-29013: SSL MAC
verification failure
ORA-29014: Maximum
fragment length extension is incorrect.
ORA-29015: incorrect
message length
ORA-29016: inadequate
PKCS1 message padding
ORA-29017: The premaster
secret length is incorrect.
ORA-29018: The premaster
secret contains an incorrect version number.
ORA-29019: The protocol version
is incorrect.
ORA-29020: The handshake
record length is too long.
ORA-29021: Secret key
length is incorrect when using SSL 2.0.
ORA-29022: Operation is
being attempted on the wrong side of the client/server connection.
ORA-29023: The buffers
are not empty.
ORA-29024: Certificate
validation failure
ORA-29025: Error found
in certificate check callback.
ORA-29026: Decryption
ORA-29027: Error in
entropy collection
ORA-29028: Server
verification failure when using SSL 2.0
ORA-29029: SSL handshake
already completed
ORA-29030: SSL handshake
is requested.
ORA-29031: SSL handshake
is required.
ORA-29032: The given
identity is not complete.
ORA-29033: Invalid PFX
ORA-29034: Correct
cipher suite or client authentication is needed.
ORA-29035: Pseudo Random
Number Generator is needed
ORA-29036: This feature
is not supported
ORA-29037: No
certificate is present
ORA-29038: There are no
matching certificates.
ORA-29039: There are no
matching cipher suites.
ORA-29040: There are no
supported cipher suites.
ORA-29041: The callback
is NULL.
ORA-29042: Read buffer
is not empty.
ORA-29043: Read is
ORA-29044: Renegotiation
has already been requested.
ORA-29045: Renegotiation
request has been refused.
ORA-29046: Session is
ORA-29047: Mismatch in Transport
Layer Security extension
ORA-29048: Unexpected
message received.
ORA-29049: Unknown
ORA-29050: Installed
client authentication mode is not supported.
ORA-29051: The given
public key type is not supported.
ORA-29052: Write buffer
is not empty.
ORA-29084: The parameter
specified is illegal.
ORA-29095: Index is not
ORA-29096: The given
length is incorrect.
ORA-29100: Cannot create
local key ID.
ORA-29101: Cannot add
private key bag.
ORA-29102: Cannot add
certificate bag.
ORA-29103: Cannot create
PKCS #12 wallet.
ORA-29104: Cannot add
certificate request.
ORA-29105: Cannot export
PKCS #12 wallet.
ORA-29106: Cannot import
PKCS #12 wallet.
ORA-29107: Cannot create
PKCS #12 wallet.
ORA-29108: Cannot
initialize random object.
ORA-29109: Cannot create
private key object.
ORA-29110: Invalid PKCS
#12 bag type
ORA-29111: Invalid index
ORA-29112: Cannot access
attributes from a PKCS #12 certificate bag.
ORA-29113: Cannot access
attributes from a PKCS #12 key bag.
ORA-29114: Cannot import
private key.
ORA-29115: Cannot export
private key.
ORA-29116: Cannot get
PKCS #12 attributes.
ORA-29117: Cannot add
PKCS #12 attributes.
ORA-29118: Cannot create
PKCS #12 attributes.
ORA-29119: Cannot import
ORA-29120: Cannot export
ORA-29122: could not add
pkcs11 info to the pkcs12 wallet
ORA-29123: could not get
pkcs11 info from the pkcs12 wallet
ORA-29124: pkcs11
library name already set
ORA-29125: pkcs11 token
label already set
ORA-29126: pkcs11 token
passphrase already set
ORA-29127: unknown
pkcs11 information
ORA-29128: pkcs11
library name not set
ORA-29129: pkcs11 token
label not set
ORA-29130: pkcs11 token
passphrase not set
ORA-29131: pkcs11
certificate label already set in wallet
ORA-29135: Seed
generation for Random Number Generator failed.
ORA-29136: The allocated
buffer is too small.
ORA-29137: The global
context is incorrect.
ORA-29140: Cannot create
certificate object.
ORA-29141: Cannot import
in the der format.
ORA-29150: DES self-test
ORA-29151: 3DES
self-test failure
ORA-29152: SHA-1
self-test failure
ORA-29153: RSA self-test
ORA-29154: deterministic
RNG self-test failure
ORA-29155: continuous
key pair consistency check self-test failure
ORA-29156: conditional
RNG self-test failure
ORA-29157: Unable to build
an absolute path to the library.
ORA-29158: Unable to
open library.
ORA-29159: Unable to
read library.
ORA-29160: NZ library
being used is different.
ORA-29161: software
integrity self-test failure
ORA-29162: Non-FIPS
cipher suites being used in FIPS mode.
ORA-29163: Third party
PKI vendor is not supported in FIPS mode.
ORA-29164: External PKCS
#12 wallet is not supported in FIPS mode.
ORA-29176: CRL signature
verification failed
ORA-29177: certificate
serial number is not in CRL
ORA-29178: certificate
serial number is in CRL
ORA-29179: certificate
validation check failed
ORA-29180: Unsupported
validation protocol
ORA-29181: ldap_open
ORA-29182: ldap_bind
ORA-29183: ldap_search
ORA-29184: ldap_result
ORA-29185: ldap_first_attribute
ldap_get_values_len failed
ORA-29187: unsupported
validation mechanism
ldap_count_entries failed
ORA-29189: No entry
found in OID
ORA-29190: Multiple
entries in OID
ORA-29191: OID
connection information not set
ORA-29192: Validation
mechanism not set in OID
ORA-29193: no CRL found
using CRLDP mechanism
ORA-29194: no CRL found
in cache
ORA-29195: CRL is
ORA-29222: Distinguished
name does not match.
ORA-29223: Cannot create
certificate chain.
ORA-29224: Cannot locate
matching certificate request.
ORA-29225: Certificate
already installed.
ORA-29226: No matching
private key found.
ORA-29227: Certificate
is expired.
ORA-29228: Cannot
calculate the number of bytes for output.
ORA-29229: the magic
number found in the header does not match expected
ORA-29230: the header
length is not sufficient for message header
ORA-29231: the
cryptographic engine failed to initialize
ORA-29232: the
cryptographic engine key initialization failed
ORA-29233: the key
object could not be encoded
ORA-29234: a key object
was not extracted from encoding
ORA-29235: the key
information could not be retrieved
ORA-29236: the random
number generator will not accept seed
ORA-29237: the
cryptographic engine could not finish the algorithm
ORA-29238: the
cryptographic engine could not apply the algorithm
ORA-29239: the
cryptographic engine could not initialize the algorithm
ORA-29240: the
cryptographic engine does not recognize the algorithm
ORA-29241: a buffer
block needs to more space but its length is fixed
ORA-29242: the
asymmetric key is too short to be used with the data.
ORA-29243: the toolkit
does not recognize the type of key being used
ORA-29245: the toolkit
does not recognize the function being used
ORA-29246: the toolkit
could not parse the tdu
ORA-29247: an unopen
toolkit object was used before it was opened
ORA-29248: an
unrecognized WRL was used to open a wallet
ORA-29249: an
unrecognized state was passed to a cryptographic function
ORA-29250: Invalid index
specifed in call to dbms_sql.bind_array
ORA-29251: Index1 is
greater than Index2 in call to dbms_sql.bind_array
ORA-29252: collection
does not contain elements at index locations in call to dbms_sql.bind_array
ORA-29253: Invalid count
argument passed to procedure dbms_sql.define_array
ORA-29254: Invalid
lower_bound argument passed to procedure dbms_sql.define_array
ORA-29255: Cursor
contains both bind and define arrays which is not permissible
ORA-29256: Cursor
contains both regular and array defines which is illegal
ORA-29257: host unknown
ORA-29258: buffer too
ORA-29259: end-of-input
ORA-29260: network
ORA-29261: bad argument
ORA-29262: bad URL
ORA-29263: HTTP protocol
ORA-29264: unknown or
unsupported URL scheme
ORA-29265: HTTP header
not found
ORA-29266: end-of-body
ORA-29267: illegal call
ORA-29268: HTTP client
ORA-29269: HTTP server
ORA-29270: too many open
HTTP requests
ORA-29271: not connected
initialization failed
ORA-29273: HTTP request
ORA-29274: fixed-width
multibyte character set not allowed for a URL
ORA-29275: partial
multibyte character
ORA-29276: transfer
ORA-29277: invalid SMTP
ORA-29278: SMTP
transient error:
ORA-29279: SMTP
permanent error:
ORA-29280: invalid
directory path
ORA-29281: invalid mode
ORA-29282: invalid file
ORA-29283: invalid file
ORA-29284: file read
ORA-29285: file write
ORA-29286: internal
ORA-29287: invalid
maximum line size
ORA-29288: invalid file
ORA-29289: directory
access denied
ORA-29290: invalid
offset specified for seek
ORA-29291: file remove
operation failed
ORA-29292: file rename
operation failed
ORA-29293: A stream
error occurred during compression or uncompression.
ORA-29294: A data error
occurred during compression or uncompression.
ORA-29295: invalid mime
header tag
ORA-29296: invalid
encoded string
ORA-29297: The
compressed representation is too big
ORA-29298: Character set
ORA-29299: Invalid
handle for piecewise compress or uncompress
ORA-29300: ORACLE error,
tablespace point-in-time recovery
ORA-29301: wrong
DBMS_PITR package function/procedure order
ORA-29302: database is
not open clone
ORA-29303: user does not
login as SYS
ORA-29304: tablespace ''
does not exist
ORA-29305: cannot
point-in-time recover tablespace ''
ORA-29306: datafile is
not online
ORA-29307: datafile
ORA-29308: view
ORA-29309: export dump
file was generated by different version of DBMS_PITR package
ORA-29310: database is
not open, or opened as a clone
ORA-29311: export dump
file was not generated by this database, does not match
ORA-29312: changes by
release cannot be used by release , type:
ORA-29313: tablespace ''
cannot be imported twice
ORA-29314: tablespace ''
ORA-29315: tablespace ''
has been recreated
ORA-29316: datafile been
imported twice
ORA-29317: datafile does
not exist
ORA-29318: datafile is
ORA-29319: datafile is
not correct
ORA-29320: datafile
header error
ORA-29321: too many
datafiles added since the point-in-time
ORA-29322: SCN string
size too long -- maximum size 58 bytes/characters
ORA-29323: ALTER
DATABASE SET COMPATIBILITY command not supported by
ORA-29324: SET
COMPATIBILITY release string format is wrong
ORA-29325: SET
COMPATIBILITY release number lower than
ORA-29326: SET
COMPATIBILITY release number higher than
cannot open more than LDAP server connections
invalid LDAP session
size limit exceeded
invalid LDAP MESSAGE handle
invalid MOD_ARRAY
invalid input parameter
unable to dynamically allocate additional memory
Shared servers are not supported.
ORA-31399: Cannot
contact LDAP server at port %d
ORA-31401: change source
is not an existing change source
ORA-31402: unrecognized
ORA-31403: change table
already contains a column
ORA-31404: all input
parameters are null
ORA-31405: cannot make
changes while change set is advancing
ORA-31406: change source
is referenced by a change set
ORA-31407: end_date must
be greater than the begin_date
ORA-31408: invalid value
specified for begin_scn or end_scn
ORA-31409: one or more
values for input parameters are incorrect
ORA-31410: change set is
not an existing change set
ORA-31411: change set is
referenced by a change table
ORA-31412: change set is
disabled and cannot be advanced
ORA-31413: change set is
currently being advanced
ORA-31414: error(s)
occurred during change table advance
ORA-31415: change set
does not exist
ORA-31416: invalid
ORA-31417: column list
contains control column
ORA-31418: source schema
does not exist
ORA-31419: source table
does not exist
ORA-31420: unable to
submit the purge job
ORA-31421: change table
does not exist
ORA-31422: owner schema
does not exist
ORA-31423: change table
does not contain column
ORA-31424: change table
has active subscriptions
ORA-31425: subscription
does not exist
ORA-31426: cannot modify
active subscriptions
ORA-31427: publication
already subscribed
ORA-31428: no
publication contains all the specified columns
ORA-31429: subscription
has not been activated
ORA-31430: subscriber
view exists
ORA-31431: all source
tables must belong to the synchronous change set
ORA-31432: invalid
source table
ORA-31433: subscriber
view does not exist
ORA-31434: purge is
currently running
ORA-31435: an error
occurred during the purge operation
ORA-31436: duplicate
change source
ORA-31437: duplicate
change set
ORA-31438: duplicate
change table
ORA-31439: subscription
is already active
ORA-31440: change set is
empty and cannot be advanced
ORA-31441: table is not
a change table
ORA-31442: operation
timed out while acquiring lock on
ORA-31443: deadlock
detected while acquiring lock on
ORA-31444: parameter
error while acquiring lock on
ORA-31445: invalid lock
handle while acquiring lock on
ORA-31446: this session
does not own the lock handle for
ORA-31447: cannot create
change tables in the SYS schema
ORA-31448: invalid value
for change_source
ORA-31449: invalid value
for change_set_name
ORA-31450: invalid value
for change_table_name
ORA-31451: invalid value
for capture_values, expecting: OLD, NEW, or BOTH
ORA-31452: invalid value
for parameter, expecting: Y or N
ORA-31453: invalid value
for parameter, expecting: Y, N, or NULL
ORA-31454: invalid value
for operation parameter, expecting: ADD or DROP
ORA-31455: nothing to
ORA-31456: error
executing a procedure in the DBMS_CDC_UTILITY package
ORA-31457: maximum
length of description field exceeded
ORA-31458: an internal
error occurred
ORA-31459: system
triggers for DBMS_CDC_PUBLISH package are not installed
ORA-31460: logfile
location is not an existing directory
ORA-31461: logfile
location contains no files that match pattern
ORA-31462: internal
error while accessing metadata
ORA-31463: logfile
location is an empty directory
ORA-31464: target table
for the change table no longer exists
ORA-31465: cannot obtain
a lock on the subscription
ORA-31466: no
publications found
ORA-31467: no column
found in the source table
ORA-31468: cannot
process DDL change record
ORA-31469: cannot enable
Change Data Capture for change set
ORA-31470: asynchronous
change tables must contain the RSID$ column
ORA-31471: invalid
ORA-31472: Importing
Change Data Capture version . is too new
ORA-31475: redo log
catalog contains no metadata for the source table
ORA-31476: a change
table data column is missing from the source table
ORA-31477: could not
detach LogMiner session during cleanup
ORA-31478: could not
detach LogMiner session after change set advance
ORA-31479: could not
create LogMiner session
ORA-31480: staging
database and source database cannot be the same
ORA-31481: change source
is not a HotLog change source
ORA-31482: invalid
option for non-distributed Hotlog change source
ORA-31483: cannot have
spaces in the parameter
ORA-31484: source
database version must be at least or greater
ORA-31485: invalid
database link
ORA-31486: cannot
support column in this configuration
ORA-31487: cannot
support begin dates or end dates in this configuration
ORA-31488: cannot
support change set in this configuration
ORA-31490: could not
attach to LogMiner session
ORA-31491: could not add
logfile to LogMiner session
ORA-31492: could not set
session parameters for LogMiner session
ORA-31493: could not
prepare session for LogMiner session
ORA-31494: could not
activate a LogMiner session
ORA-31495: error in
synchronous change table on "".""
ORA-31496: must use
ORA-31497: invalid value
specified for first_scn
ORA-31498: description
and remove_description cannot both be specified
ORA-31499: null value
specified for required parameter
ORA-31500: change source
is not a ManualLog change source
ORA-31501: change source
is not an AutoLog change source
ORA-31502: invalid
number supplied for supplemental_processes
ORA-31503: invalid date
supplied for begin_date or end_date
ORA-31504: cannot alter
or drop predefined change source
ORA-31505: cannot alter
or drop predefined change set
ORA-31506: duplicate
subscription name
ORA-31507: parameter
value longer than maximum length
ORA-31508: invalid
parameter value for synchronous change set
ORA-31509: publication
does not exist
ORA-31510: name uses
reserved prefix CDC$
ORA-31511: name exceeds
maximum length of 30 characters
ORA-31512: name cannot
contain double quotation marks
ORA-31513: unsupported
column type specified in change table
ORA-31514: change set
disabled due to capture error
ORA-31515: CDC change
source already exists
ORA-31516: CDC change
set already exists
ORA-31517: CDC change
table . already exists
ORA-31518: change column
already exists in CDC change table .
ORA-31519: CDC
subscription already exists
ORA-31520: CDC
subscription already subscribes to publication ID
ORA-31521: CDC
subscription already subscribes to publication ID column
ORA-31522: could not
find Streams object for CDC change set
ORA-31523: could not
find change source for CDC change set
ORA-31524: could not
find change set for CDC change table .
ORA-31525: could not
find column in CDC change table .
ORA-31526: could not
find source table . for CDC change table .
ORA-31527: could not
find source column for CDC change table .
ORA-31528: could not
find change set for CDC subscription
ORA-31529: could not
find publication for CDC subscriber view .
ORA-31530: could not
find published column for CDC subscriber view .
ORA-31531: could not
find column in CDC subscriber view .
ORA-31532: cannot enable
change source
ORA-31533: only one
change set () is allowed in change source
ORA-31534: Change Data
Capture publisher is missing DBA role
ORA-31535: cannot
support change source in this configuration
ORA-31536: cannot
support encrypted column in the source table
ORA-31600: invalid input
value for parameter in function
ORA-31601: Function
cannot be called now that fetch has begun.
ORA-31602: parameter value
"" in function inconsistent with
ORA-31603: object
"" of type not found in schema ""
ORA-31604: invalid
parameter "" for object type in function
ORA-31605: the following
was returned from in routine :
ORA-31606: XML context
%u does not match any previously allocated context
ORA-31607: function is
inconsistent with transform.
ORA-31608: specified
object of type not found
ORA-31609: error loading
file "" from file system directory ""
ORA-31610: cannot call
this function from a non-master process
ORA-31611: Data Pump
multiple processing setting is locked and cannot be changed.
ORA-31612: Allocation of
process descriptor failed.
ORA-31613: Master
process failed during startup.
ORA-31614: routine
received this error from :
ORA-31615: routine
received this error:
ORA-31616: unable to
write to dump file ""
ORA-31617: unable to
open dump file "" for write
ORA-31618: dump file
size too small
ORA-31619: invalid dump
file ""
ORA-31620: file or
device "" cannot be specified for operation
ORA-31621: error creating
master process
ORA-31622: ORACLE server
does not have access to the specified file
ORA-31623: a job is not
attached to this session via the specified handle
ORA-31624: A job cannot
be modified after it has started.
ORA-31625: Schema is
needed to import this object, but is unaccessible
ORA-31626: job does not
ORA-31627: API call
succeeded but more information is available
ORA-31628: error getting
worker process exception
ORA-31629: unable to
allocate additional memory
ORA-31630: a job name is
required to attach a job for user
ORA-31631: privileges
are required
ORA-31632: master table
"." not found, invalid, or inaccessible
ORA-31633: unable to
create master table "."
ORA-31634: job already
ORA-31635: unable to
establish job resource synchronization
ORA-31636: session is
already attached to job for user
ORA-31637: cannot create
job for user
ORA-31638: cannot attach
to job for user
ORA-31639: unexpected
data found
ORA-31640: unable to
open dump file "" for read
ORA-31641: unable to create
dump file ""
ORA-31642: the following
SQL statement fails:
ORA-31643: unable to
close dump file ""
ORA-31644: unable to
position to block number in dump file ""
ORA-31645: unable to
read from dump file ""
ORA-31646: no dump files
ORA-31647: Worker
process received exit message from Master process
ORA-31648: Timeout
before master process finished initialization.
ORA-31649: Master
process violated startup protocol.
ORA-31650: timeout
waiting for master process response
ORA-31651: communication
error with master process - detaching job
ORA-31652: command
response message was invalid type - detaching job
ORA-31653: unable to
determine job operation for privilege check
ORA-31654: unable to
convert file or volume size as specified to a number
ORA-31655: no data or
metadata objects selected for job
ORA-31656: cannot use
TABLESPACE_EXPR filter with transportable mode
ORA-31657: data filter
name can not be defaulted
ORA-31658: specifying a
schema name requires a table name
ORA-31659: status
message was invalid type - detaching job
ORA-31660: metadata
filter name can not be defaulted
ORA-31661: there are no
metadata transform values of type VARCHAR2
ORA-31662: metadata
transform name can not be defaulted
ORA-31663: metadata
remap name can not be defaulted
ORA-31664: unable to
construct unique job name when defaulted
ORA-31665: mode can only
be defaulted for IMPORT and SQL_FILE operations
ORA-31666: Master
process had an unhandled exception.
ORA-31667: parameter
name can not be defaulted
ORA-31668: Timeout before
worker process finished initialization.
ORA-31669: Worker
process violated startup protocol.
ORA-31670: Username
argument must be specified and non-null.
ORA-31671: Worker
process had an unhandled exception.
ORA-31672: Worker
process died unexpectedly.
ORA-31673: worker
process interrupt for normal exit by master process
ORA-31674: worker
process interrupt for unhandled exception in master process
ORA-31675: worker
process interrupt for unexpected death of master process
ORA-31676: illegal value
for number of workers,
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